
Cheap Ontario Car Insurance Quotes

Ontario drivers save $877* on average by comparing car insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA.

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Written By Alexandra Bosanac


Car insurance in Ontario

Car owners in Ontario are required by law to have car insurance.

Car insurance helps ensure that you and your vehicle are financially protected in the event of vehicle damage or personal injury.

Ontario operates under a no-fault insurance system, which means drivers always go through their insurance company, no matter who is at fault in an accident.

Ontario car insurance rates and regulations

In Ontario, auto insurance is regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), formerly known as the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO), an agency of the Ministry of Finance. FSRA oversees all insurance regulations in Ontario and can approve or decline rate change requests. Car insurance providers apply to increase or decrease their rates throughout the year. If an insurer pays more claims within a fiscal year due to car accidents, they will likely apply for permission to raise rates to help offset their costs.

Ontario auto insurance is privatized, meaning you purchase your policy from companies rather than a government body. FSRA's approved quarterly changes show how often rates fluctuate, making comparing quotes and finding the lowest rate essential.

In 2023, Ontario drivers who used RATESDOTCA saved, on average, $877* on their car insurance.

How to file a car insurance claim in Ontario

An auto insurance claim should be filed as soon as possible. Your claim could be denied if you don't file it within a week.

When filing an auto insurance claim in Ontario, include as many of the following as possible:

  • Your auto insurance policy number
  • Your licence number
  • Your vehicle information, such as make, model and year
  • A description of the event
  • A description of the damage or injury, including photos if possible
  • A list of the passengers present at the time of the incident
  • A list of drivers involved, along with their licence numbers and insurance providers
  • The badge number of the police officer if one is called to the scene

Once your claim is filed, you will be contacted by a claims adjustor to discuss your case and determine your eligibility and the amount you may be entitled to. If an at-fault driver is uninsured, your claim will be processed through the uninsured automobile portion of your policy.

What it means to be 'at fault' in Ontario

Being at fault means you have been deemed responsible for damage or injury by your insurance company. A driving event, like a collision, can have multiple at-fault motorists.

If you are found to be 50% or more at fault for a claim, the event will go on your insurance record. Having an at-fault accident on your record may cause your premiums to increase, though some insurance providers offer accident forgiveness, which permits one accident before premiums are raised.

What's the average cost of car insurance in Ontario?

Several organizations monitor car insurance premiums in Ontario. Here's what each one reports as the typical premium.

Despite variations in the data, one fact emerges: Ontario consistently holds the title for Canada’s highest car insurance premiums.

Factors that determine the cost of your Ontario car insurance premium

Though the average cost of car insurance in Ontario is high, it varies among individual drivers. Numerous factors contribute to the cost of an auto insurance policy. In Ontario, the most influential of these factors are:

  1. The make and model of your vehicle: The cost to repair your vehicle affects your premiums. Your vehicle's safety rating, driving features and the statistical likelihood of being stolen also contribute. You can save big by selecting a vehicle that is cheap to insure.

  2. Your driving record: Your claims history and driving record are major contributors. The number of speeding tickets, driving convictions and at-fault accidents you've had will all influence how much you pay for insurance.

  3. Your driving experience: Your history of driving will determine how much you pay for car insurance. Speeding tickets and at-fault accidents, for instance, will mean you have to pay more for coverage. If you've moved provinces or recently immigrated to Canada, you may be asked to provide a letter of experience that confirms the information you've provided is correct.

  4. Location, location, location: Your city, and even your postal code, affect your premiums. You'll pay more if you live somewhere with a high rate of theft, fraud or accidents. Typically (but not always), car insurance costs more in larger cities.

  5. Vehicle usage: The number of kilometres you drive in a year affects the cost of car insurance in Ontario. The more you drive, the more likely you'll make a claim and the more you'll pay. If you use your vehicle only sparingly, consider a pay-as-you-go policy.

  6. The coverage you have: Ontario has mandatory and optional auto insurance coverages. If you select coverages beyond the minimum requirement, you'll pay more for protection. See the mandatory and optional types of car insurance in Ontario.

  7. Discount eligibility: Ontario car insurance may be expensive, but there are numerous opportunities to save. Your age, occupation and alumni are all potential sources of discounts. Ask your insurance provider what discounts you're eligible for to ensure you don't overpay.

  8. Additional drivers: A policy that includes Secondary drivers will expand your vehicle's coverage, but it also means you'll pay more.

  9. Bundle your insurance: You can bundle your home insurance with your car insurance for an easy way to save anywhere from 5%-15% on your premiums.

More goes into determining the premiums you pay than what's listed above. This list calls out some of the most influential factors Ontario car insurance providers use.

Mandatory and optional auto insurance in Ontario

Insurance type  Mandatory coverage Optional/Additional coverage
Third-Party Liability $200,000 minimum. Provides coverage in the event of a lawsuit resulting from an accident where you are at fault. Coverage can be increased to $500,000, $1 million, or $2 million, with up to $2 million limit.
Uninsured Automobile Insurance Provides up to $200,000 in coverage if you are injured or killed by an uninsured driver, or if your vehicle is damaged as a result of a hit-and-run by an unidentified, uninsured motorist. Family Protection Coverage is an optional coverage that includes additional coverage of up to $1 million in the case of a hit-and-run by an uninsured motorist.
Statutory Accident Benefits Provides coverage if you are injured in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Covers medical expenses that aren’t covered by OHIP. Coverage limits can be increased.
Collision Coverage (Also Upset Coverage) Optional Covers the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle following a collision with another vehicle, an object, or property.
Comprehensive Coverage Optional Covers damages caused by named perils identified under the Specified Perils coverage, as well as losses from other perils like falling or flying objects, theft, fire, hail, windstorms, missiles, and vandalism.
Specified Perils Coverage Optional Covers damages caused by named perils such as theft, attempted theft, explosions, natural disasters like fire, lightning, windstorm, hail, rising water, earthquakes, and also other perils specified in your policy. Specified perils do not cover damages due to vandalism, breakage of glass, etc.
Direct Compensation-Property Damage (DC-PD) Optional DCPD is a standard coverage, but drivers in Ontario can opt to remove it. It covers damage to your car, or loss of use of your vehicle, if someone else is at fault. It must  have involved another insured vehicle. Removing DCPD coverage disqualifies you from these benefits and you cannot sue for vehicle damage, either. 
All-Perils Coverage Optional Combines collision/upset and comprehensive coverage. Also provides additional protection if a household member or an employee steals your vehicle.
OPCF 20: Coverage for Transportation Replacement Optional Covers the cost of your transportation replacement and rental car insurance if you were to get into a car accident or if your vehicle is stolen.
OPCF 27: Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobile(s) Optional Covers if you damage a borrowed or rental vehicle. The coverage limit is usually around $25,000 to $50,000.
OPCF 39: Accident Waiver/Forgiveness Optional Protect your premium from rising when you have your first at-fault accident.
OPCF 43: Waiver of Depreciation Optional Protects you by removing your insurer's right to deduct depreciation from the value of your vehicle when settling a claim. This coverage is for new vehicles with fewer than 5,000 kilometres.
OPCF 44R: Family Protection Coverage Optional Protects you if you or a family member is injured, regardless of whether you or your family members are in the car when the accident occurs
OPCF 49: Agreement Not to Recover for Loss or Damage from an Automobile Collision Optional Removes DCPD coverage from your insurance policy. 

Recent auto insurance quotes in Ontario

Recent Auto Insurance Quote from ST CATHARINES, ONTARIO
Female, Age 29
March 21, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 194 / month
$2,322 / year
Average Quote
$ 253 / month
$3,037 / year
$ 60 / month
$715 / year
23.54 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from ST CATHARINES, ONTARIO
Female, Age 29
March 21, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 375 / month
$4,500 / year
Average Quote
$ 505 / month
$6,055 / year
$ 130 / month
$1,555 / year
25.68 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from BRAMPTON, ONTARIO
Male, Age 21
March 21, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 641 / month
$7,692 / year
Average Quote
$ 1,042 / month
$12,503 / year
$ 401 / month
$4,811 / year
38.48 %
Auto insurance quotes are compared from CAA, Coachman Insurance Company, Echelon Insurance, Economical Insurance, Gore Mutual, Pafco, Pembridge, SGI, Travelers, Zenith Insurance Company

How to get Ontario car insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA

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Frequently asked questions about car insurance in Ontario

Got more questions about car insurance? We answer them here.

Why should Ontario drivers compare car insurance rates?

Insurance companies use similar rating factors to determine your quote but evaluate risk differently. This results in different prices for the same coverage. As a result, provincial regulators, like FSRA, recommend shopping around and getting multiple quotes before you purchase a policy. It's the easiest way to ensure you get the best rate available.

Which city in Ontario has the cheapest car insurance?

According to data from the RATESDOTCA Insuramap, Cloyne, located in Eastern Ontario in the Greater Napanee area, has the cheapest auto insurance in Ontario; the average auto insurance premium is $546 per year.

Several other locales have average premiums that are in the hundreds of dollars. Most are in Northern and Northwestern Ontario, including Summer Beaver, Dryden, and Keewatin (all tied at $586 per year). Kapuskasing's average premium is $888 per year. Chesley, which is in Southwestern Ontario, averages out at $894.

Generally, car insurance rates trend below the provincial average the further away from urbanized areas you get. For example, cities like Toronto and Brampton have some of the highest insurance rates in the province. In contrast, small towns are relatively cheap.

Which city has the most expensive car insurance in Ontario?

According to data from the RATESDOTCA Insuramap, the Ontario cities with the highest car insurance premiums are all in the GTA.

Brampton has the highest overall premium at $2,707 annually. Toronto is second ($2,325), followed by Mississauga ($2,311), Richmond Hill ($2,188), and Vaughan ($2,158).

Collisions occur more frequently in the GTA, meaning insurance companies pay more claims to customers. The high premiums represent the increased cost of doing business here.

Which car has the cheapest car insurance in Ontario?

Insurance companies pour a lot of resources into accurately predicting how much it would cost to repair or replace each car model on the road, meaning the make and model of the vehicle you drive will significantly impact your rates.

So, which models were the cheapest to insure in Ontario last year?

To find out, we looked at some of the best-selling cars in Canada. Then, we compared quotes for a 35-year-old driver from Toronto, where the average premium is $2,325. Our persona had no convictions or tickets and lived in the west-end postal code of M6H.

Pickup trucks occupied the top three spots. The best-selling 2021 GMC Sierra, a light-duty pickup truck, came first, commanding premiums of $1,779 per year (about $150 a month).

The Chevrolet Silverado ($1,811) and the Ford F-150 ($1,862) came in second and third, respectively.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, pickup trucks are among the safest vehicles on the road, which helps keep their rates low.

Unsurprisingly, pickups also reigned supreme when we compared cars by body type.

The Chevrolet Colorado cost $1,542 annually ($128 monthly) to insure in late 2021.

The Honda Civic is one of the most stolen vehicles in Canada, which is part of the reason it is more expensive to insure. The Civic costs $2,592 annually ($216 monthly) to insure in Toronto.

How does your car compare? Check out our complete rankings of the cars that are cheapest to insure in Ontario in 2022, including an analysis of cars by price, body segment, and overall popularity.

What do statutory accident benefits cover?

Statutory accident benefits provide coverage if you are injured in an automobile accident, regardless of who is at fault. This helps cover the costs of medical expenses, including physiotherapy and rehabilitation costs that OHIP doesn't pay. This coverage is mandatory in Ontario and included in a standard auto insurance policy, however the Ontario government proposed making some accident benefits option in the 2024 budget. If passed, the changes are expected to be implemented by 2026.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of what statutory accident benefits cover:

  • Income Replacement Benefits: Weekly replacement of 70% of your gross income up to $400 per week.
  • Medical, Rehabilitation and Attendant Care Benefits: Up to $65,000 for serious injuries like sprains and broken bones, and $1 million for catastrophic injuries like loss of limb, paralysis, etc.
  • Caregiver Benefits: Up to $250 per week for the first dependant and $50 per week for each additional dependant for catastrophic injuries.
  • Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Expenses: Maximum of up to $100 payout per week in the case of a catastrophic injury.
  • Death and Funeral Benefits: Up to $25,000 payout to the spouse, $10,000 for each dependent, and a maximum of $6,000 in funeral costs.

Additional protection is available for purchase on top of the minimum Statutory Accident Benefits in a basic policy. This includes:

  • Income Replacement Benefits: Can be extended to $600, $800, or $1000 per week.
  • Medical, Rehabilitation and Attendant Care Benefits: Can be increased up to $1 million for serious injuries and $2 million for catastrophic injuries.
  • Caregiver Benefits Expenses: Can be increased to apply to all injuries, not just catastrophic ones.
  • Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Expenses: Can be increased to apply to injuries, not just catastrophic ones.
  • Death and Funeral Benefits: Can be increased to $50,000 for the spouse, $20,000 for each dependant, and $8,000 for funeral costs.

Why do Ontario car insurance rates change so much?

Insurers in Ontario must go to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) to increase (or decrease) rates. FSRA releases a list of these insurance companies, and the approved rate changes shortly after approval is granted.

Why are car insurance rates in Ontario going up?

Car insurance prices are rising again in Ontario after an unprecedented period of no growth during provincially mandated quarantines.

Mass vaccination programs have allowed Ontarians to return to routines resembling pre-pandemic ones, which included much more driving. More cars back on the road means drivers are more likely to be in a collision that results in a claim, which their insurance company will pay.

Predictably, the agency that helps regulate auto insurance prices approved 56 rate increases by the end of the third quarter of 2023, compared with 29 during the same period in 2022.

When COVID-19 first struck Ontario, insurance companies issued rebates to policyholders who had decreased their coverage or needed financial relief.

The story today is very different.

Inflation is putting strain on insurers' operating budgets. And essential car parts, particularly semiconductors, have been in short supply, which is driving up prices.

A Canada-wide spike in car thefts is also aggravating the situation as drivers with comprehensive insurance file claims to have their cars replaced. Thefts in Ontario spiked 48.3% in 2023, and this year’s count is on track to surpass that.

Plus, issues that predate the pandemic, which insurers said were forcing them to raise prices, still exist.

For example, car repair costs have increased as manufacturers introduce new technologies like sensors and cameras -- even today's economy cars boast some of these features now.

There are more collisions, too, and the claims stemming from them tend to be more expensive. The province now reports that accident benefits and third-party liability claims account for over half of all auto insurance claims. Translated, many of these claim payouts are going towards legal and medical costs, which add up quickly.

If you feel like you're paying too much, one of the most effective and immediate ways to lower your car insurance costs is to shop around for quotes, according to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). Ontario drivers save $877* on average when comparing car insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA.

How to get the cheapest car insurance in Ontario

Maintaining a conviction-free driving record is, without a doubt, the best way to keep your premiums down, but there are plenty of other ways to save.

  1. Compare quotes: Of course, the easiest way to save money is to compare auto insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA. If you're looking to buy a new car, compare quotes for the vehicles you're considering to see which one is the cheapest to insure.

  2. Increase your deductible: The deductible is what you must pay out of pocket if you file a claim. The more you agree to pay, the lower your premium will be.

  3. Bundle home and auto insurance: If you bundle your home and auto insurance under the same insurance company, you can save 5 to 15% off both policies. This is also called a multi-line discount.

  4. Change into winter tires: Ontario roads face some harsh winter conditions. Save 5% on your car insurance by installing winter tires for the season.

  5. Know what coverage you need: Review your coverage each year and cancel any add-ons you no longer need. For example, cancelling your collision coverage would make economic sense if you drive an older car and buying a new one would be more cost-effective.

  6. Pay annually: If you can pay your premiums annually rather than monthly, you can often save a bit. Some insurance companies offer a discount on the payment of annual premiums upfront.

  7. Drive less: The less you drive, the more you save. If you commute to work via car, switching to transit can slash your premiums. If you don't drive as much as you used to, call your insurance company and let them know.

  8. Driver's education: Most insurance companies offer discounts for new drivers who complete driver training from a Ministry of Transportation accredited driving school. A defensive driving course can also make you eligible for discounts.

  9. Multi-vehicle discounts: Like multi-product discounts, multi-vehicle discount allows you to insure more than one vehicle under the same insurance company to snag a 5 to 15% discount on your premiums.

  10. Group discounts; If you are part of a professional association, union, or non-profit association, you may be eligible for group discounts.

  11. Safety features: Installing approved anti-theft devices or safety features on your car can lead to discounts. Check device eligibility before you purchase and install it.

Rising car thefts in Ontario: Protect your wheels and secure affordable coverage

Car theft poses a significant challenge in Ontario, with one vehicle stolen every 48 minutes. Unfortunately, this problem is on the rise, and it coincides with an upward trend in car prices. Between 2022 and 2023, car prices surged by 21.3%, resulting in an average new vehicle cost of $66,288. These combined factors are driving up insurance costs for all drivers, not only those with theft coverage. Insurance companies must raise rates for all drivers to some extent to cover the claims of customers whose cars have been stolen. This collective adjustment helps manage the costs associated with theft-related claims.

To safeguard your vehicle and potentially prevent your insurance premiums from increasing, consider trying some of the following measures.

  1. Choose your car based on insurance cost: Doing some research will help you control your insurance costs before you even take ownership of a car. The make and model significantly influence insurance. If cost reduction is a priority, opt for an entry-level vehicle — used ones are particularly cost-effective to insure since they don’t require specialized parts and labour. Additionally, modest cars are less appealing to thieves (unlike SUVs and crossovers, which tend to attract their attention). The Equite Association keeps track of models that are less prone to theft, and several GM models make the list.

  2. Park in a private garage: If possible, avoid parking overnight outside. The safest place to park your car is in a private, covered garage. Doing this can impede car thieves and might lower your insurance rate.

  3. Explore aftermarket security systems: Thieves are outpacing the security measures provided by manufacturers (such as car immobilizers). To enhance protection, consider installing aftermarket devices. Doing so could reduce your risk exposure and potentially lower your car insurance premium. Available products include:
    • Steering wheel clubs,
    • Wheel locks,
    • AirTags,
    • OBD port locks,
    • Pedal locks,
    • Faraday pouches,
    • Security cameras for your home and inside your car.

The best auto insurance in Ontario 2025

Finding a good price for insurance coverage matters more than ever. But it’s probably not the only factor you care about when you’re shopping for car insurance. For example, knowing that the provider you choose has a track record of being there for policyholders when they need them is important – and that’s hard to judge based on price tag alone.

To find out which insurance companies offer policyholders the most value for their premiums, we turned to the experts: drivers like you.

We collected the opinions of 12,600 drivers for the RATESDOTCA Annual Best Auto Insurance Study. Below, you’ll find which companies received the highest marks across categories that included convenience, customer service, and claims resolution.

RATESDOTCA Annual Best Auto Insurance Study


Best Overall

Most Trustworthy

Best Claims Experience

CAA Insurance: WINNER

CAA Insurance is the best overall insurance company, say Canadian drivers surveyed by RATESDOTCA. It excels in trustworthiness, policy documents, and ease of claims filing.

Drivers see CAA as offering the lowest rates and best value for money. Customers also like its suite of innovative products and for having coverage that fits their needs.

It's the second year in a row that CAA has earned platinum distinctions.

  • Rated highest in overall satisfaction by current customers.
  • Most affordable premiums, according to customers.
  • Coverage provides good value in return for premiums, customers also say.
  • Rated highly for its innovative products and coverage options.
  • Market leader in issuing policy documents and billing statements that are easy to understand.


Best Overall

Most Trustworthy

Best Policy Documents

Gore Mutual

Gore Mutual has emerged as one of the study's best rated insurance companies, achieving some of the highest satisfaction ratings among Canadians surveyed.

Gore scores highly in all areas of service. Customers say that policy documents and billing statements are clear and easy to understand, and that the website is user-friendly.

Gore policyholders are more likely to file a claim online than clients of other insurance companies.

  • Won Gold in trustworthiness, best policy documents, and best billing statements
  • Ranks highly for innovation; customers rate Gore's website positively, and most file claims by email
  • Gore excels in all areas of service and are seen to offer products that meets customers' needs
  • Scores highly for quality of policy documents


Best Overall

Best Claim Experience

Most Trustworthy

Intact Insurance

Intact Insurance rates consistently well in all categories, placing third overall. They also placed third in categories of Most Trustworthy, Best Auto Claims Experience, and Best Billing Documents.

Customers with Intact are most likely to contact the insurance broker first to open a claim and were much more likely to use Intact's online app compared to other carriers. They were also more likely to receive policy documents electronically.

  • Customers are likely to say that Intact is a trustworthy brand.
  • Intact scores high for its claims service, with more customers likely to file a claim via online app than other carriers.
  • Intact customers are also more likely to receive status updates on their claims by telephone; in general, customers with Intact had higher than average contact with the insurer than other companies.

How we got this ranking

Customer reviews abound online, but they only capture one person’s experience.

To accurately measure how most consumers feel about Canada’s leading insurance providers, you need a much larger sample size.

That's why RATESDOTCA surveyed 12,600 drivers in Ontario and Alberta, asking them to rate their insurance company's performance in various areas. Nabbing a high score meant made the insurer eligible for three awards: Best Overall, Most Trustworthy, and Best Auto Claims Experience. Below are the criteria customers used to rate their insurer:

  • Trustworthiness: This section assessed whether an insurance company provides good value for the premiums charged and whether their products meet the current needs of drivers.
  • Claims experience: We asked drivers how easy filing a claim is with a company and asked them to rate the service they received. For example, did they do a good job of outlining next steps and was it resolved in a timely manner?
  • Policy documents: We asked whether Canada’s insurers make it to understand what coverages are (and are not) included in a policy and whether they make it clear who you should contact in different situations.
  • Billing statements: We wanted to know if the bills issued by Canada’s insurers are easy or crazy making. For example, is the premium amount and payment schedule clearly outlined?

Learn more about the methodology we used.

Complete ranking of car insurance rates by Ontario city

Rank City 2023 premium 2021 premium  Change (%)
1 BRAMPTON $2,707 $1,976 37%
2 TORONTO $2,325 $1,953 19%
3 MISSISSAUGA $2,311 $1,971 17%
4 RICHMOND HILL $2,188 $2,025 8%
5 VAUGHAN $2,158 $2,179 -1%
6 PICKERING $1,985 $1,959 1%
7 MARKHAM $1,870 $1,744 7%
8 OSHAWA $1,839 $1,833 0%
9 HAMILTON $1,810 $1,564 16%
10 SCHOMBERG $1,801 $1,766 2%
10 KING CITY $1,801 $1,766 2%
10 STOUFFVILLE $1,801 $1,582 14%
10 AURORA $1,801 $1,582 14%
10 NOBLETON $1,801 $1,766 2%
11 BOWMANVILLE $1,796 $1,378 30%
12 NEWMARKET $1,763 $1,582 11%
13 BRADFORD $1,754 $1,636 7%
13 HOLLAND LANDING $1,754 $1,582 11%
14 WINDSOR $1,743 $1,491 17%
15 LONDON $1,730 $1,505 15%
16 AJAX $1,726 $2,104 -18%
17 CALEDON $1,696 $1,717 -1%
18 WHITBY $1,690 $1,792 -6%
19 OAKVILLE $1,683 $1,408 20%
19 GEORGETOWN $1,683 $1,526 10%
19 ACTON $1,683 $1,526 10%
20 GUELPH $1,676 $1,391 21%
21 CAMBRIDGE $1,669 $1,412 18%
22 PRICEVILLE $1,660 $1,459 14%
22 MULMUR $1,660 $1,689 -2%
22 ORANGEVILLE $1,660 $1,766 -6%
22 CANNINGTON $1,660 $1,351 23%
22 SHELBURNE $1,660 $1,636 1%
22 KESWICK $1,660 $1,582 5%
23 KITCHENER $1,654 $1,346 23%
24 WATERDOWN $1,622 $1,368 19%
24 BINBROOK $1,622 $1,368 19%
25 SELKIRK $1,617 $1,580 2%
26 AMHERSTBURG $1,616 $1,383 17%
26 COMBER $1,616 $1,383 17%
26 LASALLE $1,616 $1,383 17%
26 PELEE ISLAND $1,616 $1,383 17%
26 ESSEX $1,616 $1,383 17%
27 MILTON $1,612 $1,498 8%
28 BRANTFORD $1,602 $1,369 17%
29 WATERLOO $1,594 $1,351 18%
30 INNISFIL $1,588 $1,582 0%
31 BURLINGTON $1,586 $1,374 15%
32 WELLESLEY $1,581 $1,318 20%
32 ST GEORGE BRANT $1,581 $1,368 16%
32 CAMPBELLVILLE $1,581 $1,368 16%
33 DUBREUILVILLE $1,578 $1,398 13%
34 THESSALON $1,564 $1,398 12%
34 FOLEYET $1,564 $1,398 12%
34 MANITOWANING $1,564 $1,398 12%
35 FORT ERIE $1,560 $1,327 18%
35 NIAGARA FALLS $1,560 $1,327 18%
36 SHEDDEN $1,535 $1,318 16%
36 COURTICE $1,533 $1,378 11%
36 NEWCASTLE $1,533 $1,378 11%
37 ELMVALE $1,518 $1,351 12%
37 SUNDERLAND $1,518 $1,351 12%
37 UXBRIDGE $1,518 $1,351 12%
38 DEVLIN $1,516 $1,283 18%
39 LAKEFIELD $1,492 $1,351 10%
39 KENDAL $1,492 $1,175 27%
40 HURON PARK $1,491 $1,318 13%
40 OIL SPRINGS $1,491 $1,318 13%
41 OWEN SOUND $1,484 $1,318 13%
41 ROSTOCK $1,484 $1,318 13%
41 PORT ELGIN $1,484 $1,318 13%
41 MEAFORD $1,484 $1,318 13%
41 COURTLAND $1,484 $1,318 13%
41 PARIS $1,484 $1,318 13%
41 SARNIA $1,481 $1,256 18%
42 FORT FRANCES $1,479 $1,283 15%
43 GODERICH $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 STRATFORD $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 ST MARYS $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 HANOVER $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 WOODSTOCK $1,471 $1,331 11%
43 TILLSONBURG $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 ELMIRA $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 FERGUS $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 INGERSOLL $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 STRATHROY $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 NEW HAMBURG $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 KINCARDINE $1,471 $1,318 12%
43 LISTOWEL $1,471 $1,318 12%
44 PORT COLBORNE $1,463 $1,327 10%
44 THOROLD $1,463 $1,327 10%
44 GRIMSBY $1,463 $1,368 7%
44 WELLAND $1,463 $1,327 10%
45 SHUNIAH $1,450 $1,369 6%
45 THUNDER BAY $1,450 $1,369 6%
45 NEEBING $1,450 $1,369 6%
46 KENORA $1,445 $1,283 13%
46 KASABONIKA $1,445 $1,283 13%
46 INGOLF $1,445 $1,310 10%
46 SIOUX LOOKOUT $1,445 $1,283 13%
47 KINGSVILLE $1,440 $1,383 4%
47 BORDEN $1,440 $1,636 -12%
47 MIDLAND $1,440 $1,351 7%
47 SIMCOE $1,440 $1,318 9%
47 MINESING $1,440 $1,351 7%
47 WALLACEBURG $1,440 $1,383 4%
47 PORT STANLEY $1,440 $1,278 13%
47 WASAGA BEACH $1,440 $1,582 -9%
47 LEAMINGTON $1,440 $1,383 4%
47 ST THOMAS $1,440 $1,278 13%
47 AYLMER $1,440 $1,318 9%
47 ORILLIA $1,440 $1,351 7%
47 CHATHAM $1,440 $1,383 4%
47 COLLINGWOOD $1,440 $1,318 9%
47 DELHI $1,440 $1,318 9%
47 PENETANGUISHENE $1,440 $1,351 7%
47 DUNNVILLE $1,440 $1,394 3%
48 LIVELY $1,429 $1,258 14%
48 ESPANOLA $1,429 $1,378 4%
48 VAL CARON $1,429 $1,258 14%
48 ELLIOT LAKE $1,429 $1,398 2%
48 GARSON $1,429 $1,258 14%
48 HANMER $1,429 $1,258 14%
49 ST CATHARINES $1,410 $1,327 6%
50 KIRKLAND LAKE $1,397 $1,306 7%
50 SOUTH PORCUPINE $1,397 $1,398 0%
50 TIMMINS $1,397 $1,378 1%
50 HEARST $1,397 $1,398 0%
50 COBALT $1,397 $1,351 3%
50 IROQUOIS FALLS A $1,397 $1,398 0%
51 NOVAR $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 GRAVENHURST $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 ROSSEAU $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 HUNTSVILLE $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 NORTH BAY $1,379 $1,351 2%
51 MCKELLAR $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 STURGEON FALLS $1,379 $1,351 2%
51 LORING $1,379 $1,351 2%
51 KILWORTHY $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 BRACEBRIDGE $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 UTTERSON $1,379 $1,187 16%
51 PARRY SOUND $1,379 $1,187 16%
52 OTTAWA $1,321 $1,257 5%
53 CASSELMAN $1,307 $1,206 8%
53 RUSSELL $1,307 $1,206 8%
53 CURRAN $1,307 $1,255 4%
53 NAVAN $1,307 $1,206 8%
53 HAWKESBURY $1,307 $1,239 5%
53 ROCKLAND $1,307 $1,206 8%
54 BOBCAYGEON $1,305 $1,351 -3%
55 CORNWALL $1,289 $1,132 14%
55 MARTINTOWN $1,289 $1,132 14%
56 IROQUOIS $1,276 $1,132 13%
56 KEMPTVILLE $1,276 $1,185 8%
56 PORT HOPE $1,276 $1,175 9%
56 PICTON $1,276 $1,175 9%
57 TRENTON $1,259 $1,175 7%
57 COBOURG $1,259 $1,175 7%
57 PETERBOROUGH $1,259 $1,351 -7%
57 LINDSAY $1,259 $1,351 -7%
57 KINGSTON $1,259 $1,132 11%
57 BELLEVILLE $1,259 $1,175 7%
57 AMHERSTVIEW $1,259 $1,132 11%
58 SUDBURY $1,249 $1,258 -1%
59 CARLETON PLACE $1,232 $1,206 2%
59 GANANOQUE $1,232 $1,132 9%
59 SMITHS FALLS $1,232 $1,185 4%
59 ELIZABETHTOWN $1,232 $1,132 9%
59 PERTH $1,232 $1,206 2%
59 BROCKVILLE $1,232 $1,132 9%
60 BARRIE $1,225 $1,582 -23%
61 SAULT STE. MARIE $1,185 $1,398 -15%
62 PEMBROKE $1,175 $1,206 -3%
62 NAPANEE $1,175 $1,175 0%
62 PETAWAWA $1,175 $1,206 -3%
62 ARNPRIOR $1,175 $1,206 -3%
62 RENFREW $1,175 $1,206 -3%
62 BARRYS BAY $1,175 $1,253 -6%
63 ALLISTON $1,152 $1,636 -30%
64 ORONO $1,047 $1,351 -23%
64 PORT PERRY $1,047 $1,351 -23%
65 CHESLEY $894 $1,318 -32%
66 KAPUSKASING $888 $1,306 -32%
67 KEEWATIN $586 $1,283 -54%
67 DRYDEN $586 $1,283 -54%
67 SUMMER BEAVER $586 $1,310 -55%
68 CLOYNE $546 $1,185 -54%
Average 2023 Ontario premium
Change from late 2021
+ 12%

Analysis: Why car insurance costs differ across Ontario

Car insurance in Ontario gets cheaper the further away you get from the Golden Horseshoe (the area that hugs the western end of Lake Ontario, stretching from Niagara Falls to Oshawa and extending north to Barrie and Peterborough).

The region is home to 54% of Ontario's population. Densely populated areas record higher theft rates, fraud, and collisions, increasing the average car insurance premium for drivers living within it.

For example, in Mississauga, drivers pay about $2,311 a year for insurance. But in Thunder Bay, in Northwestern Ontario, a person with an identical car and driving record pays $1,450, or 37% less than their counterpart in Mississauga.

Car insurance relies on pooled risk. When many people pay into the pool, the funds are used to compensate the few who file claims. If insurers didn’t have to recover as many losses from theft, fraud, and collisions in Mississauga, car insurance rates in Thunder Bay could be lower than they are now

However, an unprecedented number of drivers in Ontario are filing claims for stolen cars, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The unprecedented volume of claims — thefts rose 72% between 2014 and 2021 and by 14% in 2023 — is a leading reason that insurers are raising premiums for all drivers in the province.

Find estimates of the average car insurance rate for your postal code using the RATESDOTCA Auto Insuramap.

Ontario car insurance premiums by age cohort

Age Male premium Female premium
17 $7,824 $5,972
18 $5,323 $5,188
19 $4,954 $4,366
20 $3,772 $3,865
30 $2,069 $2,069
40 $1,363 $1,363
50 $1,096 $1,096
60 $1,096 $1,096


Why age and gender matter for your car insurance rate

A driver's age and gender are two factors that significantly impact insurance costs. These rating factors hold the most weight for young drivers, especially males.

We pulled quotes for drivers of different ages to illustrate this. Except for age, each applicant:

  • Drove a 2022 four-door Honda Civic
  • Parked in a private driveway
  • Drove five kilometres daily
  • Has a clean driving record
  • Standard insurance with no optional coverages and no discounts applied
  • No collision and comprehensive coverage

All things equal, a 17-year-old boy with a G2 licence would pay an eye-watering $8,000 a year for an insurance policy, and a girl of the same age would pay $6,000, according to RATESDOTCA data.

However, each year they remain claims and are free of traffic convictions, premiums decrease by hundreds of dollars.

Men and women end up paying equal rates by age 30. Premiums continue to decrease each decade if they remain claims and conviction-free.

Ontario's average car insurance rate (2012-2023)

Year Average car insurance premium
2023 $1,796*
2022 $1,674
2021 $1,651
2020 $1,655
2019 $1,634
2018 $1,505
2017 $1,445
2016 $1,432
2015 $1,455
2014 $1,486
2013 $1,540
2012 $1,549

*As of October 2023 according to FSRA.

Source: Insurance Bureau of Canada, General Insurance Statistical Agency, Financial Services Regulatory of Ontario

Understanding Ontario’s high auto insurance premiums

At $1,796 per year or about $150 per month, Ontario's average auto insurance premium is higher than that of other provinces.

There are many reasons for this. Ontario, being Canada’s most populous province, has a high concentration of people living in urban areas. This density results in more insurance claims, which ultimately contributes to higher car insurance premiums for everyone.

Another factor is that a standard auto insurance policy in Ontario offers substantial benefits, including the following:

  • Third-party liability coverage
  • Accident benefits
  • Uninsured automobile protection
  • Direct compensation for property damage (also known as DCPD; as of 2024, Ontarians can apply to remove it from a standard auto insurance policy)

In Ontario, drivers can also sue for damages after a car accident. Depending on your car insurance, your provider may cover all (or a portion) of your legal fees, which can cost insurance companies millions. To cover their costs, insurers need to increase auto insurance rates.

Car theft and insurance fraud are twin pressures that lead to increased premiums, and both are exceptionally high in Ontario. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, fraud costs each Ontario driver an estimated $236 a year and theft adds an extra $130.

More factors that could trigger rate increases in 2024 and beyond include:

  • Vehicle theft remains a concern.
  • Car insurance fraud is also on the rise.
  • The demand for parts and labour exceed Ontario’s supply.
  • Inflation poses a challenge to the investments of insurance companies, which primarily consist of bonds
  • The frequency of fatal car accidents is increasing in Ontario.

When the price of everything is going up, it's essential to keep an eye on how your premium compares to the average and to shop around for a better deal.

Ontario car insurance rate changes by company 2024

In Ontario, car insurance companies must get approval from the province's insurance regulator before changing rates. Current policyholders will feel the effects of the rate changes when their policy renews, while new policyholders are immediately affected.

Rate increases don't affect policyholders equally. For example, suppose a company raises premiums by 5%. In that case, policyholders with poor driving and insurance histories may see their rate rise by that much. At the same time, long-time customers with good track records may only see a slight change in their premium, if at all.

The table below outlines the rate changes approved by the Financial Services Regulatory of Ontario (FSRA) set to take effect in 2024.

Insurer Insurer group Approved rate change % Date effective
Belair Insurance Company Inc. Intact 8.92 Feb 2, 2024
Co-operators General Insurance Company Co-op 7.17 Feb 9, 2024
Intact Insurance Company Intact 5.70 Feb 10, 2024
Belair Insurance Company Inc. Intact 0.00 Feb 12, 2024
Heartland Farm Mutual Inc. Heartland 9.48 Feb 15, 2024
Intact Insurance Company Intact 0.00 Feb 16, 2024
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada Chubb 0.00 Mar 1, 2024
Zurich Insurance Company Zurich 0.00 Mar 1, 2024
Pembridge Insurance Company Allstate 3.67 Mar 1, 2024
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada Chubb 7.20 Mar 1, 2024
Pafco Insurance Company Allstate 10.53 Mar 1, 2024
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada Allstate 3.24 Mar 1, 2024
Co-operators General Insurance Company Co-op 0.00 Mar 8, 2024
Gore Mutual Insurance Company Gore 0.91 Mar 9, 2024
TD General Insurance Company TD 8.96 Mar 23, 2024
Primmum Insurance Company TD 9.76 Mar 23, 2024
Traders General Insurance Company Aviva 6.53 Apr 1, 2024
Facility Association FA 9.83 Apr 1, 2024
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada Aviva 6.52 Apr 1, 2024
Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group (The) Commonwell 4.68 Apr 1, 2024
Zurich Insurance Company Zurich -1.18 Apr 1, 2024
Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company (The) Wawanesa 6.02 Apr 1, 2024
Verassure Insurance Company Northbridge 11.59 Apr 5, 2024
Sonnet Insurance Company Definity 0.23 Apr 10, 2024
Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company (The) Travelers 8.15 Apr 14, 2024
Zenith Insurance Company Northbridge 0.25 Apr 15, 2024
Pembridge Insurance Company Allstate -0.95 Apr 29, 2024
Pafco Insurance Company Allstate -1.00 Apr 29, 2024
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada Allstate -0.61 Apr 29, 2024
Zenith Insurance Company Northbridge 9.77 May 1, 2024
CUMIS General Insurance Company Co-op 13.26 May 1, 2024
Echelon Insurance CAA 9.96 May 1, 2024
Definity Insurance Company Definity 0.97 May 11, 2024
Definity Insurance Company Definity 0.00 May 14, 2024
Aviva General Insurance Company Aviva 6.56 May 15, 2024
Unica Insurance Inc. La Capitale 4.87 May 18, 2024
Gore Mutual Insurance Company Gore -0.10 May 18, 2024
Intact Insurance Company Intact 0.19 May 25, 2024
Heartland Farm Mutual Inc. Heartland 0.08 Jun 1, 2024
Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company (The) Portage 25.79 Jun 1, 2024
Sonnet Insurance Company Definity 0.06 Jun 2, 2024
CAA Insurance Company CAA 4.89 Jun 15, 2024
S&Y Insurance Company Aviva 22.08 Jun 15, 2024
Definity Insurance Company Definity 0.15 Jun 25, 2024
Coachman Insurance Company SGI 4.99 Jul 1, 2024
Northbridge General Insurance Corporation Northbridge 0.13 Jul 1, 2024
Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group (The) Commonwell 12.05 Jul 1, 2024
Federated Insurance Company of Canada Northbridge 0.12 Jul 1, 2024
CUMIS General Insurance Company Co-op 4.44 Sep 1, 2024

Source: Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Analysis: 2024 car insurance rate trends in Ontario

Car insurance rates are expected to continue rising in Ontario in 2024 due to inflation, supply shortages, and concerning levels of car thefts.

The same issues drove the substantial rebound of rates in 2023. They still need to be resolved, which is why RATESDOTCA predicts drivers should gear up for more increases. Already, FSRA has approved some insurers for rate increases as high as 25%.

Province proposes solutions to unaffordability in 2024 budget

However, the government, police forces, car manufacturers, and the insurance industry have banded together to propose solutions to the issues driving unaffordability.

In 2024, the Ontario government made direct compensation property damage (DCPD) coverage optional. You can remove it from your policy by applying for an endorsement, OPCF 49. This could help you save some money, but it means you won't be entitled to have your insurance company pay for physical damage caused to your car by an accident you're not at fault for.

The 2024 provincial budget also outlined plans to make some aspects of mandatory accident benefits coverage optional, which would lower the premiums of people who apply to remove the coverage. However, the government acknowledges that this change will occur in stages and will involve consultation with the auto insurance industry. The expected date for these changes to be fully implemented is sometime in 2026.

Governments unleash funds to combat auto theft

The government of Canada has announced $15 million in funding to fight auto theft. Some of the funds will be allocated to INTERPOL to help retrieve stolen vehicles from Canada that have been shipped abroad, but the majority will go to provincial, territorial, and municipal law enforcement agencies through the Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime (CPCSOC).

The 2024 Ontario budget earmarked $49 million for the Ontario Provincial Police's auto theft team, tasked with analyzing and identifying trends related to auto theft.

Another $46 million is reserved for the purchase of four helicopters, which the government says is essential to help police forces stop car thefts in progress.

From quarantine-era rate freezes to 2022 reversal

Ontario car insurance rates were static during 2020 and 2021 as pandemic restrictions altered our collective driving habits. There were fewer collisions, drivers decreased their coverage, and insurance companies issued base rate reductions, pandemic discounts and rebates.

The reversal began in the spring of 2022 following seven consecutive quarters of little to no change and has maintained momentum since.

If your car insurance policy is renewing soon and you're concerned about rising prices, shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple insurance companies can help you save money. Don't just take our word for it: comparing quotes is recommended by Ontario's regulator of car insurance prices, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), the federal government's consumer watchdog.

Find the best Ontario car insurance on RATESDOTCA

Back in the day, comparing car insurance quotes was a time-consuming chore that involved calling several insurance companies one by one and reciting the same information over and over. Thankfully, technology has made comparing insurance companies much easier.

RATESDOTCA runs your details through a database of quotes from Ontario insurance companies. Then, we bring you a list of quotes from more than 50 insurance companies, allowing you to compare quotes side-by-side easily.

Our service is free, and Ontario drivers who use RATESDOTCA save an average of $877.*

*Shoppers in Ontario who obtained an auto insurance quote on RATESDOTCA from January to December 2023 saved an average amount of $877. The average savings amount represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third lowest quoted premiums generated by RATESDOTCA.

Alexandra Bosanac ,
Content Manager

Alexandra Bosanac has been a content manager for RATESDOTCA since 2021, specializing in auto insurance. She began covering auto insurance in 2017. Alexandra has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Toronto Metropolitan University. Before joining the RATESDOTCA editorial team, she reported for the Canadian Business, the Toronto Star, the National Post, and the CBC.

  • Car Insurance
  • Bachelor of Journalism, Toronto Metropolitan University
Featured in
  • Investigative researcher at CBC
  • Breaking news reporter at Toronto Star
  • General assignment reporter at National Post
  • Business and general assignment reporter at The Canadian Press
  • Writer at Canadian Business

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