
Find Cheap Car Insurance in St. Catharines

St. Catharines drivers save an average of $524* on car insurance with RATESDOTCA.

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Written By Taras Trofimov

Updated Jan. 30, 2025

Car insurance in St. Catharines

St. Catharines is the largest city in Niagara Region, which means that you may need a car to get around and, by extension, car insurance. In Ontario, the fine for not carrying valid auto insurance – whether you drive, lease or own a car – ranges from $5,000 to $50,000. Your car may also get impounded, and your driver’s license suspended. In addition, insurers may consider you a “high-risk driver” and either charge you a lofty premium or refuse serving you altogether.

If you end up in a car accident without car insurance, things can get even worse. If at fault, you may get saddled with hefty medical, repair and other bills. And if the reverse is true, you may not be able to sue the at-fault driver for compensation. You also won’t be able to claim replacement or non-earner benefits.

The takeaway here is that not having car insurance is a very, very bad idea. So, purchase it for your own good. You can easily get a quote through one of the following:

  • An insurance broker. Sells auto insurance on behalf of multiple providers.
  • An insurance agent. Sells auto insurance from a single provider.
  • A direct writer. Sells their own insurance.
  • A quote comparison website. Lets visitors compare insurance quotes from several providers at once to secure the cheapest rate. An example of this is RATESDOTCA.

Who regulates car insurance in St. Catharines?

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRAO). It makes sure that insurers obey all relevant legislative rules and deliver fair prices to all their customers. It also protects consumer rights and reviews consumer complaints to ensure no rules are broken.

Recent auto insurance quotes in St. Catharines

Recent Auto Insurance Quote from ST CATHARINES, ONTARIO
Male, Age 26
2022 LEXUS ES 350 4DR
March 22, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 478 / month
$5,741 / year
Average Quote
$ 1,172 / month
$14,060 / year
$ 693 / month
$8,319 / year
59.17 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from ST CATHARINES, ONTARIO
Male, Age 19
March 22, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 337 / month
$4,042 / year
Average Quote
$ 520 / month
$6,242 / year
$ 183 / month
$2,200 / year
35.25 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from ST CATHARINES, ONTARIO
Female, Age 22
March 22, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 215 / month
$2,581 / year
Average Quote
$ 306 / month
$3,670 / year
$ 91 / month
$1,089 / year
29.67 %
Auto insurance quotes are compared from CAA, Coachman Insurance Company, Echelon Insurance, Economical Insurance, Gore Mutual, Pafco, Pembridge, SGI, Travelers, Zenith Insurance Company

How to get St. Catharines car insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA

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Mandatory and optional auto insurance in St. Catharines

Insurance type  Mandatory coverage Optional/Additional coverage
Third-Party Liability $200,000 minimum. Provides coverage in the event of a lawsuit resulting from an accident where you are at fault. Coverage can be increased to $500,000, $1 million, or $2 million, with up to $2 million limit.
Direct Compensation-Property Damage (DC-PD) Covers damage to your car, or loss of use of your vehicle, if someone else is at fault. Must involve another insured vehicle. For additional vehicle coverage including for when you are at-fault, consider collision coverage.
Uninsured Automobile Insurance Provides up to $200,000 in coverage if you are injured or killed by an uninsured driver, or if your vehicle is damaged as a result of a hit-and-run by an unidentified, uninsured motorist. Family Protection Coverage is an optional coverage that includes additional coverage of up to $1 million in the case of a hit-and-run by an uninsured motorist.
Statutory Accident Benefits Provides coverage if you are injured in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Covers medical expenses that aren’t covered by OHIP. Coverage limits can be increased.
Collision Coverage (Also Upset Coverage) Optional Covers the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle following a collision with another vehicle, an object, or property.
Comprehensive Coverage Optional Covers damages caused by named perils identified under the Specified Perils coverage, as well as losses from other perils like falling or flying objects, theft, fire, hail, windstorms, missiles, and vandalism.
Specified Perils Coverage Optional Covers damages caused by named perils such as theft, attempted theft, explosions, natural disasters like fire, lightning, windstorm, hail, rising water, earthquakes, and also other perils specified in your policy. Specified perils do not cover damages due to vandalism, breakage of glass, etc.
All-Perils Coverage Optional Combines collision/upset and comprehensive coverage. Also provides additional protection if a household member or an employee steals your vehicle.
OPCF 20: Coverage for Transportation Replacement Optional Covers the cost of your transportation replacement and rental car insurance if you were to get into a car accident or if your vehicle is stolen.
OPCF 27: Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobile(s) Optional Covers if you damage a borrowed or rental vehicle. The coverage limit is usually around $25,000 to $50,000.
OPCF 39: Accident Waiver/Forgiveness Optional Protect your premium from rising when you have your first at-fault accident.
OPCF 43: Waiver of Depreciation Optional Protects you by removing your insurer's right to deduct depreciation from the value of your vehicle when settling a claim. This coverage is for new vehicles with fewer than 5,000 kilometres.
OPCF 44R: Family Protection Coverage Optional Protects you if you or a family member is injured, regardless of whether you or your family members are in the car when the accident occurs

How much does car insurance cost in St. Catharines?

The average auto insurance rate in St. Catharines is $1,327 per year, or roughly $111 per month, according to the RATESDOTCA Insuramap data (gathered in 2022). Given that average annual premiums in Ontario can be as high as $2,000 – or higher – this is a very good rate.

How much will St. Catharines car insurance cost in the future?

Auto insurance in St. Catharines will likely cost more than $1,327 per year on average. That’s because insurance rates, overall, are going up – back to what they used to be before the pandemic. Many insurers applied for rate increases in late 2022, which means that their clients are likely already paying higher rates. The rate increase in the first quarter of 2023 is predicted to be 5% and 7%-8% in the second quarter. Third and fourth quarters will experience similar increases.

How do St. Catharines car insurance rates compare to other cities in Ontario?

Rank City Average 2021 premium Difference from St. Catharines' 2021 average










Richmond Hill




























St. Catharines



With the average rate of $1,327 per year, St. Catharines has some of the lowest premiums in Ontario, especially when compared to those in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Factors like your age, vehicle and driving record may result in a higher or lower rate for you personally, so don’t view this as the exact reflection of what you’ll find out there. For more details, see our methodology for calculating these averages.

Which companies offer car insurance quotes in St. Catharines?

Company name Company type Phone number Address

All-Risks Insurance Brokers Ltd.

Insurance broker


11-33 Lakeshore Rd, St. Catharines, ON L2N 7B3

Allstate Insurance: St. Catharines Agency

Insurance agency


B5-275 Fourth Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2S 0C2

Billyard Insurance Group

Insurance broker


A-204 Niagara St, St. Catharines, ON L2M 4V4

Hope & Harder Insurance Brokers

Insurance broker


512 Welland Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2M 5V5

Insurance Hotline

Quotes comparison


225 King St W, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON, M5V 3M2


Quotes comparison


401-1910 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4S 3B2


Quotes comparison


225 King St W, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON, M5V 3M2

Scoop Insurance

Insurance broker


22-300 Lincoln St, Welland, ON L3B 4N4

Seymour Fair Insurance Brokers

Insurance broker


200 Welland Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2R 2P3

Sottile-Olsen Insurance Brokers Inc.

Insurance broker


100 Fourth Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3P2

Factors that affect your St. Catharines car insurance premium

There are multiple factors that can affect your car insurance premium. They include your demographics and similar statistics, all of which are compiled to determine how much of a risk you pose. The greater the risk, the higher the rate, and vice versa.

Here are some of the biggest factors:

  • Where you live: You may have noticed that some cities are more expensive than others for car insurance. That’s no coincidence. Insurance providers look at things like traffic density and crime rates to determine how risky the area is for your vehicle. The more accidents and instances of theft and vandalism there are, the higher the rates for the city, or more accurately, district. Every district in Ontario – designated by the first three digits of a postal code – has its own unique risk factors. Luckily, St. Catharines is one of the safer cities.
  • What you drive: Did you know that every vehicle – of every year, make and model – has its own Canadian Loss Experience Automobile Rating (CLEAR)? It’s based on how likely each car is to get stolen or end up in an accident. The higher the likelihood, the higher the insurance rates for it will be. So, if you’re currently shopping for a new car, take this into account.
  • How you drive: If you have a spotty driving record – either due to accumulating too many traffic tickets or getting into too many accidents (and filing claims for them) – your premiums will be high. Once again, this is based on risk. Drivers who get ticketed for breaking rules are statistically more likely to get into a car accident. So, even if they have no accidents on their record, insurers will still see them as a risk and adjust their premiums accordingly.
  • Your driving experience: The more experienced you are as a driver, the less likely you are to get into an accident and file a claim. This makes you less risky to insure, which means that your premiums will be lower. Unfortunately, experience doesn’t come with age – it only comes with practice. So, if you start driving at the age of 50, don’t expect the same rates as the more experienced drivers in the same age bracket.
  • Your age: Though experience is important, age matters too, especially if you are under 25. Drivers in this age group – classified as ‘young drivers’ – are more likely to get into an accident and file a claim. In fact, the Traffic Injury Research Foundation has reported that over 700 young people die in car crashes every year in Canada, while 50,000 are injured. So, regardless of how safe you are as a young driver, your age will dictate your premium. That said, maintaining a clean driving record should eventually lead to lower rates.
  • Your sex: According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), male drivers under 30 are more likely to speed, drive under the influence of substances and break rules than their female counterparts. This increases the statistical likelihood of every young male driver getting into an accident and filing a claim, which in turn leads to higher premiums. Fortunately, getting older makes this a non-factor.

Tips on how to get cheap car insurance in St. Catharines

If you’re worried that the above-listed factors will result in overly high car insurance premiums, don’t be, because there are plenty of things you can do to lower them. Here’s what they are:

  • Relocate: Or in your case, stay where you are, in St. Catharines, since most of its neighbourhoods seem to have low car insurance premiums. That said, if you do decide to move, look for places with low traffic and crime rates, as they tend to have the cheapest insurance premiums. Check out our Insuramap rankings for 2021 to see the cities that are even cheaper than St. Catharines.
  • Maintain a clean driving record: This should go without saying. Drive carefully and follow all the rules. Use your turn signal, don’t speed and avoid driving under the influence of substances like alcohol. By maintaining a clean driving record, you will not only decrease your premiums but improve your own safety (and that of everyone else).
  • Go to a driving school: Taking government-certified driving lessons will allow you to improve as a driver, thus lowering your chances of getting into a car accident. Insurers look at this and adjust their premiums accordingly (hint: they lower them).
  • Drive, drive and drive: Practice makes perfect, as they say. Drive consistently and carefully, and you’ll become more experienced. The more experience you have, the less you’ll have to pay for your insurance – because experience lowers the likelihood of an accident.
  • Pick a ‘better’ car (or ‘improve’ the existing one): A vehicle with high crash test ratings and low likelihood of theft will reduce your premiums, since insurers will deem it as less of a risk. You can also add safety features, like an alarm system, winter tires, anti-lock brakes and driver assist, to your current car if it happens to be too risky.
  • Get the right amount of coverage: Don’t get more coverage than you need or can afford. If you can only afford the basic package, then go for it. If that’s the case, you may also be pleased to learn that the DCPD coverage will become optional in Ontario in 2024.
  • Bundle multiple policies: Bundle your home or tenant insurance with your car insurance to get a discount. If you have other vehicles, like a motorcycle or an RV, you can bundle those with your car and home too.
  • Don’t change providers: By sticking with the same insurance provider for a while, you should start receiving loyalty discounts. Change insurers only if you absolutely have to (e.g. if they never give you any discounts!).
  • Pay on time: This one’s easy. If you don’t pay on time, you’ll accumulate late fees, which will increase your premiums. So, don’t miss your payments. Automate them, if you have to.
  • Get usage-based insurance (UBI): By going with UBI auto insurance, you’ll have a device installed on your vehicle that will monitor how safely you drive by tracking how you turn, brake, accelerate and so on. If you’re a careful driver, your premiums should be lower.
  • Compare quotes online: Rely on comparison sites such as RATESDOTCA to procure car insurance quotes from multiple providers at once and secure the cheapest rate available.

Frequently asked questions about car insurance in St. Catharines

Need more information on St. Catharines car insurance? We got you covered.

Which company has the cheapest car insurance in St. Catharines?

It’s hard to pinpoint which provider in St. Catharines offers the cheapest car insurance because rates tend to be based on a variety of individual factors. Your age, location, car, driving record, experience and so on will all play a role in determining your specific premium.

That said, you can get something approximating a flat rate by comparing quotes on websites like RATESDOTCA. Just enter a few details about yourself, and you’ll be able to access the cheapest quotes in your area.

Can I get month-to-month car insurance in St. Catharines?

Unfortunately not. Year-long policies are the only ones you’re likely to get from insurers in Ontario – though in some rare cases you may be able to secure a six-month policy. Luckily, you can get around this problem. Depending on your circumstances, you can try the following:

  • Alter your existing policy: If you don’t drive often, you can cut back on your coverage. For example, if you drive in summer but not in winter, spring or fall, you can reduce your coverage during those seasons to lower your premiums.
  • Rent a vehicle: If you’re visiting St. Catharines or simply want to drive for a short while, then consider simply renting a car. You’ll be insured for the duration of your rental period. Note that this may prove costly if you intend to drive for more than a week.
  • Leverage your existing policy: If you’re travelling from elsewhere, you can add the car you wish to drive in St. Catharines to your current policy. That way, you’ll be covered for the duration of your stay, which may prove especially useful if your stay is on the longer side.

How much can I save on St. Catharines car insurance with RATESDOTCA?

Drivers save an average of $772 on car insurance in St. Catharines. The reason they’re able to do so is RATESDOTCA’s comparison tool, which gets car insurers to compete against each other. Competition drives the premiums down, which is how you can secure the cheapest rate.

That said, insurers will still evaluate you based on factors such as age, driving record, location and so on. You will save money in the end – just don’t expect to bypass the entire process.

Is ridesharing insurance available in St. Catharines?

Absolutely. Whether you’re a driver, car owner or passenger, the moment the ridesharing app is on, you’ll be covered by the insurer affiliated with the app (whether it’s Uber, Lyft or anything else similar). Even so, we do recommend that you inform your car insurance provider before using your car for ridesharing.

For your convenience, the FSRAO has put together a list of all approved ridesharing companies and their corresponding insurers in Ontario. Have a look:

How much can raising my car insurance deductible save me on insurance?

If you raise your deductible to $1,000 or $2,000, you can save up to 40% or more on your car insurance. You get to adjust your deductible amount when purchasing the insurance. The standard deductible amount in St. Catharines (and the rest of Ontario) is $500.

Should you choose to raise your deductible, be mindful that the higher it is, the more you’ll have to pay if you get into an accident, which may cancel out any savings you make along the way.

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We saved St. Catharines drivers a total of $3,091,639.**

Saving on car insurance in St. Catharines has never been easier, as it takes only a few clicks.

Before renewing your insurance policy for another year, see if another insurance provider can offer you a better rate.

RATESDOTCA compares more car insurance quotes than anyone else in Canada. So, join thousands of St. Catharines drivers who already use the website and find yourself the cheapest car insurance rate available.

*Shoppers in St. Catharines who obtained a quote on RATESDOTCA from January to December 2023 saved an average of $524 per year. The average savings represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third-lowest quoted premiums generated by RATESDOTCA.

**Represents the average saved by shoppers who obtained a St. Catharines quote on RATESDOTCA and transacted via our contact centre between January and December 2021. The average savings amount represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third lowest quoted premiums generated by RATESDOTCA.

Taras Trofimov ,
Content Manager

Taras has over nine years of content marketing experience across multiple industries in B2B and B2C spaces. He has produced thought leadership content for organizations like Constellation Software, Facebook and Yellow Pages as well as outlets like Huffington Post and MSN Canada.

He graduated from York University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and studied Technical Communication at Seneca College.

  • Home Insurance
  • Bachelor of Arts at York University

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