
Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes in Sudbury

With RATESDOTCA, Sudbury drivers saved an average of $481* on their car insurance premiums last year.

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Written By Shivani Kaul

Content Manager


Car insurance in Sudbury

If you own or drive a car in Sudbury it is mandatory to have car insurance.

Auto insurance in Sudbury, just like any other city in Ontario, is regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), an arm of the Ministry of Finance. FSRA regulates the proposed rates by all insurance companies to make sure they are reasonable for the consumers, while allowing the companies to factor in their operating costs, future claims from consumers and their own profit.

If you drive, own or lease a car and do not carry valid auto insurance, you can be subject to hefty fines ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 on the first conviction. Driving without valid auto insurance is against the law and you can have your driver's license suspended and your vehicle seized on the second or subsequent conviction.

The Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act requires every car owner or lessee to insure that vehicle if it is being operated on a public road. The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO), along with the Ministry of Transportation and local police services, enforce that Act by prosecuting offences in court and by imposing fines for contraventions.

Driving without valid auto insurance could deem you a “high-risk” driver which will lead to your insurance company charging you a higher-than-average premiums. If you are injured in an accident while driving or occupying an uninsured vehicle you may not be entitled to receive income replacement and non-earner benefits and you may not be able to sue the at-fault driver for compensation.

Mandatory & optional insurance coverages in Sudbury

Insurance type  Mandatory coverage Optional/Additional coverage
Third-Party Liability $200,000 minimum. Provides coverage in the event of a lawsuit resulting from an accident where you are at fault. Coverage can be increased to $500,000, $1 million, or $2 million, with up to $2 million limit.
Uninsured Automobile Insurance Provides up to $200,000 in coverage if you are injured or killed by an uninsured driver, or if your vehicle is damaged as a result of a hit-and-run by an unidentified, uninsured motorist. Family Protection Coverage is an optional coverage that includes additional coverage of up to $1 million in the case of a hit-and-run by an uninsured motorist.
Statutory Accident Benefits Provides coverage if you are injured in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Covers medical expenses that aren’t covered by OHIP. Coverage limits can be increased.
Collision Coverage (Also Upset Coverage) Optional Covers the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle following a collision with another vehicle, an object, or property.
Comprehensive Coverage Optional Covers damages caused by named perils identified under the Specified Perils coverage, as well as losses from other perils like falling or flying objects, theft, fire, hail, windstorms, missiles, and vandalism.
Specified Perils Coverage Optional Covers damages caused by named perils such as theft, attempted theft, explosions, natural disasters like fire, lightning, windstorm, hail, rising water, earthquakes, and also other perils specified in your policy. Specified perils do not cover damages due to vandalism, breakage of glass, etc.
Direct Compensation-Property Damage (DC-PD) Optional DCPD is a standard coverage, but drivers in Ontario can opt to remove it. It covers damage to your car, or loss of use of your vehicle, if someone else is at fault. It must  have involved another insured vehicle. Removing DCPD coverage disqualifies you from these benefits and you cannot sue for vehicle damage, either. 
All-Perils Coverage Optional Combines collision/upset and comprehensive coverage. Also provides additional protection if a household member or an employee steals your vehicle.
OPCF 20: Coverage for Transportation Replacement Optional Covers the cost of your transportation replacement and rental car insurance if you were to get into a car accident or if your vehicle is stolen.
OPCF 27: Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobile(s) Optional Covers if you damage a borrowed or rental vehicle. The coverage limit is usually around $25,000 to $50,000.
OPCF 39: Accident Waiver/Forgiveness Optional Protect your premium from rising when you have your first at-fault accident.
OPCF 43: Waiver of Depreciation Optional Protects you by removing your insurer's right to deduct depreciation from the value of your vehicle when settling a claim. This coverage is for new vehicles with fewer than 5,000 kilometres.
OPCF 44R: Family Protection Coverage Optional Protects you if you or a family member is injured, regardless of whether you or your family members are in the car when the accident occurs

Recent car insurance quotes in Sudbury

Recent Auto Insurance Quote from SUDBURY, ONTARIO
Female, Age 27
March 23, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 173 / month
$2,081 / year
Average Quote
$ 258 / month
$3,093 / year
$ 84 / month
$1,012 / year
32.72 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from SUDBURY, ONTARIO
Male, Age 27
March 22, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 138 / month
$1,661 / year
Average Quote
$ 207 / month
$2,481 / year
$ 68 / month
$820 / year
33.05 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from SUDBURY, ONTARIO
Male, Age 56
March 21, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 73 / month
$879 / year
Average Quote
$ 109 / month
$1,310 / year
$ 36 / month
$431 / year
32.90 %
Auto insurance quotes are compared from CAA, Coachman Insurance Company, Echelon Insurance, Economical Insurance, Gore Mutual, Pafco, Pembridge, SGI, Travelers, Zenith Insurance Company

How much does car insurance cost in Sudbury?

The average car insurance rate in Sudbury is $1,258 per year compared with the Ontario rate of $1,555.10. Ontarians will always pay a higher average than drivers living in other parts of the country, but citizens of Sudbury are on the lower end of that spectrum given the risk factors of living in a smaller city compared to places like Mississauga, Brampton or Toronto, for example.

Sudbury’s car insurance premiums by postal code

Sudbury is the largest city in Ontario by land size. It resides in the Northern part of the province and was originally a hotbed of nickel mining.

Drivers in Sudbury share many of the same risks as drivers in other parts of the province – traffic, bad weather, theft and more. But Sudbury is a smaller town compared to other cities in the province and sits far outside the Golden Horsehoe area of Ontario that comprises many larger cities, hence its premium sits on the lower end of $1258 compared to the average Ontario of $1655 per year. You can see a year-on-year change in Sudbury auto insurance premium in the table below mainly due to change in driving patterns during the pandemic.

City 2021 average premium 2020 average premium 2018 average premium
Sudbury $1,258 $1,165 $1263
Source: RATESDOTCA Insuramap Report

Which companies offer car insurance quotes in Sudbury?

Insurance Companie Company Type Phone Address
Allstate Insurance Insurance Agency 705-805-8878 800 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON P3A 4V4
Broker Link Insurance Agency 705-675-1307 1400 Marcus Dr, Greater Sudbury, ON P3B 4K5
Cambrian Insurance Brokers Ltd. Insurance Agency 705-673-5000 130 Paris St, Greater Sudbury, ON P3E 3E1
InsureLine Sudbury Insurance Agency 705-618-1957 23 Lawrence St, Garson, ON P3E 4V4
InsuranceHotline  Quotes Comparison 1 (855) 821-7312 360 Adelaide St. W. Suite 100, Toronto, ON M5V 1R7
Intact Insurance Insurance Agency 705-566-6060 1033 Barry Downe Rd #206, Sudbury, ON P3A 5Z9
Lowestrates.ca Quotes Comparison 1 (855) 487-6911 1910 Yonge St. Suite 401, Toronto, ON M4S 3B2
PBL Insurance Insurance Agency 705-524-2700 555 Barry Downe Rd, Sudbury, ON P3A 3T4
RATESDOTCA Quotes Comparison 1 (844) 726-0907 360 Adelaide St. W. Suite 100, Toronto, ON M5V 1R7
Totten Group Insurance Agency 705-523-3140 2037 Long Lake Rd Unit A10, Sudbury, ON P3E 6J9

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How to get Sudbury car insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA

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Factors that affect your Sudbury car insurance premium

Drivers in Sudbury will find may of the same auto insurance risk-factors as anywhere else in the province. Here are some issues that could affect your premium:

  • Vehicle type: The type of vehicle you drive in Sudbury impacts the premiums you pay. Some cars are associated with additional risks, including their likelihood of being stolen, how much they cost to repair, and their safety rating and features
  • Commute distance: How much you drive will also affect your Sudbury car insurance premiums, which is why insurers always ask for your anticipated vehicle usage. The less you drive, the cheaper your car insurance premium is. The more you drive, the higher your chance of being involved in a car accident, and the more you will have to pay for insurance.
  • Driving history: Individuals with clean driving histories can expect to pay lower premiums than those with tickets and accidents on their record. The number of years you have had a license also matters.
  • Demographics: Where you live makes a difference. Areas with higher occurrences of theft and collisions result in higher premiums. Your age can also come into play. Drivers aged 25 or older will generally pay less to insure a vehicle. Statistics show that younger, less experienced drivers are more likely to be involved in traffic collisions.
  • Coverage type: The larger the scope of the coverage and the higher the coverage limits you choose, the more you will pay for auto insurance in Sudbury. The deductible, which is the amount you must pay out of pocket following a claim, also influences your insurance premium. The insurer will offer a cheaper rate if you are willing to take on more risk with a higher deductible.
  • Discounts: Most insurance companies will provide discounts if you meet specific criteria. For example, if you have winter tires or more than one vehicle, you may be eligible for discounts. When you get quotes with RATESDOTCA, we ask the same questions as the insurers to ensure you are getting the lowest possible price.
  • Age and gender: Teens and twenty-somethings pay the most for car insurance. Within that demographic, males can expect to pay significantly more than females. By age 35 and beyond, the differences between men and women mostly even out. That said, men should expect to pay a little more for their coverage.
  • Driving experience: The longer you've held a licence and car insurance, the cheaper your Sudbury auto insurance will be. The inverse is also true: If you don't have a lot of experience driving, insurance companies view you as riskier to insure. 
  • Claims history: An insurance claim is a request by a policyholder to the insurance provider for compensation for a covered loss. Insurers look at your history of claims and use it as an indicator of what to expect from you in the future. 
  • Bundle deals: Your insurance provider might also ask you to bundle your insurance policies, such as home and auto, as an easy way to reduce your premium from 5-15%.

How to get the cheapest car insurance in Sudbury?

Here are seven ways to get cheaper car insurance in Sudbury:

  1. Compare rates: Getting the cheapest auto insurance in Sudbury starts with comparison shopping. RATESDOTCA allows you to get multiple quotes for Sudbury auto insurance in seconds. Just tell us about your vehicle, compare quotes and choose the right coverage.
  2. Use public transportation in Sudbury: The less you drive, the more you save. If you commute to work via car, switching to transit can slash your premiums. If you don't drive as much as you used to, call your insurance company and let them know.
  3. Increase your deductible: The deductible is what you must pay out of pocket if you file a claim. The more you agree to pay, the lower your premium will be.
  4. Bundle home and auto insurance: If you bundle your home and auto insurance under the same insurance company, you can save 5 to 15% off both policies. This is also called a multi-line discount.
  5. Change to winter tires: Save 5% on your car insurance by installing winter tires for the season. Protect your wallet and keep you and your family safe on icy roads.
  6. Know what coverage you need: Review your coverage each year and cancel any add-ons you no longer need. For example, if you drive an older car that isn't worth repairing, it will make economic sense to cancel your collision coverage.
  7. Pay annually: If you can pay your premiums annually rather than monthly, you can often save a bit of money. Some insurance companies offer a discount on the payment of annual premiums upfront.

Frequently asked questions about Sudbury car insurance

Find answers to all your Sudbury car insurance related questions here.

How can I get the cheapest Sudbury car insurance?

If you want the cheapest Sudbury auto insurance you’ve come to the right place. RATESDOTCA allows you to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies. Just a few seconds and pieces of data, and you will receive the cheapest quotes for all your Sudbury auto insurance needs.

Which company has the cheapest car insurance in Sudbury?

Determining who offers the cheapest car insurance in Sudbury starts with you and your driving needs. Different companies will offer different rates depending on your needs, driving distance, experience, claims history and more. Comparison shop on sites like RATESDOTCA to see which company offers the cheapest Sudbury insurance premium to meet your needs.

Can I get month-to-month car insurance in Sudbury?

The short answer is no. If you are a driver seeking temporary coverage for Sudbury car insurance, options are quite limited. Currently, you cannot purchase short-term policies in the province. Standard one-year policies are the most common type being offered, and the shortest term is six months.

I am a newcomer to Canada. How can I buy car insurance in Sudbury?

Insurance companies want to lower their risks as much as possible. If you have no driving record in this country, you’ll need to recertify your license or get one, if you don’t have one. Even if you have experience from another country, a driver’s course can help reduce your rates.

Insurance rates for newcomers to Canada are comparable to those for new drivers under the age of 25, who are considered high-risk drivers by virtue of being unfamiliar with Canadian roads and traffic and have a higher likelihood of getting into an accident. But just as new drivers gain experience on the road and their rate goes down as they get older, newcomers gain Canada-specific driving experience and will see their rate go down over time as well.

Also, consider being added as a secondary driver to someone’s policy. That will allow you to have insurance more quickly and also give you time to gain experience before getting a policy of your own.

Finally, foreigners living in Canada can apply for car insurance for non-residents, or you can have the owner of the car you are driving add you to their car insurance plan. To get your car insurance, you need an international driving permit or a Canadian driver's license.

*Shoppers in Sudbury who obtained a quote on RATESDOTCA from January to December 2023 saved an average of $481 per year. The average savings represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third-lowest quoted premiums generated by RATESDOTCA.

Shivani Kaul

Shivani Kaul is a communications professional specializing in editing, writing, and content strategy, with a particular focus on personal finance and mortgages. Her expertise stems from a strong educational background and diverse international experience.Academically, Shivani holds a Digital Marketing Management certificate from the University of Toronto, a Business Communications certificate from the University of British Columbia, a Master's degree in Mass Communication from Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communications, and a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of Delhi.

Her professional journey is marked by significant roles in prestigious media organizations across multiple countries. She has previously worked as an editor at PMNA/The Canadian Press for The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, and freelance writer for the Investor's Digest of Canada. Additionally, Shivani has contributed her skills to reputed news media groups in India and the Middle East. Her expertise in SEO ensures that the content she produces not only engages readers but also achieves optimal visibility in digital spaces.

  • Mortgage
  • Credit Cards
  • Real Estate
  • University of Toronto
  • Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communications
  • University of Delhi

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