
Travelers Canada Insurance

Compare Travelers Canada car insurance quotes against other insurance providers.

Compare Travelers Canada car insurance quotes against other top providers

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Written By Shivani Kaul

Content Manager


About Travelers Canada Insurance

The umbrella on the logo of Travelers Canada is important because the company acts as a corporation for numerous insurers across the country. Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company, which began operations back in 1887, is a part of the Travelers family, making the company among the most experienced in Canada.

Dominion was purchased by US-based insurance giant Travelers and still exists today. Travelers Canada also comprises St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company and Travelers Insurance Company of Canada. According to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Ontario, Dominion's 2022 private passenger automobile direct written premium market share in Ontario is 2.75%. FSRA also reports that at the beginning of 2024, Dominion approved a rate change of 8.15%, which came into effect on April 14, 2024. This is significantly higher than the 2.63% rate change approved in June, 2023.

The company has nearly 1,400 employees across Canada and offers insurance solutions through auto, home, commercial and other lines. The wider Travelers Insurance group is among the leading insurance brands in the world, with 30,000 employees in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland and Brazil. The company operates in 80 countries.

In Canada, Travelers is noted for its attention to detail, diverse coverage, and strong customer care. In 2013, Travelers acquired The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company, acquiring Chieftain Insurance in the process.

Travelers Essential™ insurance products

For customers in Ontario, Travelers Essential™ auto insurance provides a monthly policy with a package of popular coverages. Includes $2-million Bodily Injury and Property Damage with $1,000 All Perils coverage for damage to your vehicle. Travelers Essential promises to be a "one-stop shopping” package for auto and home insurance seekers. The Travelers Essential™ home and auto products promise to offer quality coverage, competitive pricing, valuable discounts and excellent claims service.

Travelers Canada: The company with the best auto claims experience in Canada in 2024

RATESDOTCA along with Pollara Strategic Insights conducted a survey of NFP Canada and Scoop auto insurance customers. The Best Home and Auto Insurance Awards survey considers many factors to determine which insurer performs the best in each category. The survey was completed between August 18, 2023, and September 18, 2023, using an online survey methodology.

A total sample size of 8,875 auto insurance customers in Ontario and Alberta – the two largest markets for private auto insurance in anglophone Canada – responded to the survey.

Travelers Canada emerged as a winner in the Best Auto Claim Experience category with 81% of claimants reporting that they were satisfied with the overall service they received. This category was based on customers who had filed for a claim in the past year (2022-2023) and how well they rated their claims experience. Most claims filed by insurers were due to collisions, especially among Travelers customers. Some of the factors for a good claim experience are:

  • Ease of reporting a claim
  • Ease of understanding the process once the claim was received by the insurance company
  • Proactive communication throughout the claim process
  • Easy to reach insurance company representative
  • Claim resolution in timely manner

Travelers ranked on top for all aspects of claims service, especially for clearly outlining the process when the claim was opened. The company was rated about average on most other aspects of claims service as well.

Travelers Canada's Best Home and Auto Insurance Awards


Auto Claims Experience

Travelers Canada is the insurance provider offering Best Auto Claims Experience in Canada, according to the Best Home and Auto Insurance Awards survey conducted by Pollara Strategic Insights.

The survey was conducted between August and September of 2023 on 8,875 customers in two of the largest private insurance markets in Canada – Alberta and Ontario. Learn more about Pollara’s methodology now.

  • Travelers – which includes Dominion of Canada policyholders – excelled in terms of claims service, with 81% of claimants reporting that they were satisfied with the overall service they received.
  • The insurer also was top-ranked for all aspects of claims service, especially the company clearly outlining the process when the claim was opened.

Learn about what Travelers insurance can offer

Personal insurance policies are underwritten by The Dominion of Canada General Insurance, part of Travelers Canada. The insurer currently does not offer personal insurance in Quebec, Manitoba or Saskatchewan.

Travelers Canada offers you the following products and services:

Car Insurance

Car insurance with Travelers Canada provides protection for a range of vehicles such as:

  • personal-use vehicles,
  • motorcycles,
  • classics - collector vehicles 15 years old or more,
  • antique - vehicles 25+ years old and in Alberta, 30+ years old,
  • motor homes - used for recreation and not as principal residence
  • Recreation – off-road 4-wheel all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, personal-use utility or camper trailers.

Home insurance

Travelers home insurance helps you protect your dwelling and your valuables inside. Here's what’s insured in a homeowner's policy:

  • Dwelling – Insures the building and structures attached to the building.
  • Other structures – Your home insurance covers damage to structures like garages, storage sheds and boathouses on your property.
  • Personal property – Insures personal items in your home such as your furniture, clothes, sporting goods and electronics that may be damaged or destroyed by a covered cause of loss.
  • Additional living expenses – Covers expenses incurred when you are forced to leave your home due to an insured loss or if you are ordered to leave by a civil authority due to an emergency.
  • Liability – It helps provide a defence if you or a member of your household is accused of a negligent act that causes bodily injury or property damage to others.

Travelers Canada helps you protect the following types of properties:

  • House – Detached, semi-detached, townhouse, multi-generation homes
  • Condominium
  • Landlord insurance is designed to protect rental properties including apartments, condominiums, single or multi-family homes
  • Tenant insurance helps renters protect personal valuables such as clothing, electronics, furniture, among others.

Business insurance

Travelers offers the following businesses insurance solutions:

  • Business services
  • Construction and contractors
  • Entertainment
  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing
  • Ocean marine – includes luxury yachts, cargo, hull & liabilities
  • Oil and gas operations
  • Passenger transportation
  • Public sector
  • Commercial real estate
  • Restaurant protect
  • Retail
  • Technology including Cyber+
  • Wholesale and distribution

Tailored Insurance for personal valuables and more

Travelers offers a range of personal insurance products for individual needs. Some of the products are

  • Boat insurance – coverage for outboard motors, trailers, unattached equipment, liability coverage, medical payments and replacement cost payments for insured loss or damage
  • Vacation trailers – coverage for vacation trailers, tent trailers and camper units.
  • Group insurance – provides benefits to members of participating businesses, occupational or alumni associations and unions.
  • Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance – Umbrella insurance provides you with additional protection for liability losses that exceed your policy limits for unexpected events
  • Jewellery and Valuable Items coverage – For items valued above your homeowner's coverage limits, consider an optional extension to protect them in the event of a covered loss, including theft or fire.

Why choose Travelers Canada?

Travelers Canada is a leading property and casualty insurance carrier in the country and has reported gross insurance premiums of approximately $1.6 billion. Here are some factors you should consider for choosing Travelers:

  • With a workforce of 1,400 employees across Canada, Travelers is a key player in the insurance industry. As part of one of North America’s largest insurance companies, Travelers holds the distinction of being the second-largest commercial insurance carrier in the United States.
  • IntelliDrive is an auto insurance program offered by Travelers and is available for customers in Ontario.  It uses a smartphone app to capture data over a 90-day evaluation period and scores how safely you drive. New Travelers customers save 10% on their first policy term just for participating in the IntelliDrive program, and if you have safe driving habits, you could save up to 30% when your policy renews.
  • Multi-Line Discount allows the customer to insure their home, car, rental property or other eligible risk exposures with Travelers Canada
  • Protective Device Discount – If you have installed an approved alarm system for your home, including fire, theft or water protective device, you’ll be eligible for greater discount.
  • Loss Free Discount – You are eligible for this discount if you have not had a property insurance claim in the past 7 years.

Travelers Canada contact information

For more information on submitting a warranty claim, please read How to Complete a Notice of Claim. If you have any questions about making a warranty claim, you may contact Travelers Insurance at:

  • Email: warrantyclaimcanada@travelers.com
  • Toll-free Claim: +1 (800) 661-5522
  • Fax: +1 (866) 777-7889
  • Mail/Courier/Delivery: 1275 North Service Road West, 2nd Floor, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3M3

Customer service:

Contact Travelers Customer Service team Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET.

+1 (800) 268-4543

+1 (905) 825-6422


Head Office


165 University Avenue

Toronto, ON M5H 3B9

+1 (416) 362-7231

+1 (800) 268-8447

Western Region


650 West Georgia Street,

Suite 2500

P.O. Box 11542

Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7

+1 (604) 684-6574

+1 (800) 555-9431


530 – 8th Avenue S.W.,

Suite 2700

Calgary, AB T2P 3S8

+1 (403) 231-6600

+1 (800) 363-1072

Eastern Region


1010 de la Gauchetière Street West,

Suite 1100

Montreal, PQ H3B 2N2

+1 (514) 875-0600

+1 (800) 361-9427

Central Region


165 University Avenue

Toronto, ON M5H 3B9

+1 (416) 362-7231

+1 (800) 268.8447


1275 North Service Road West

Oakville, ON L6M 3M3

+1 (905) 825-6400

+1 (800) 268-5371

Atlantic Region


100 Venture Run,

Suite 300

Dartmouth, NS B3B 0H9

+1 (902) 429-6813

+1 (800) 565-1322

Frequently asked questions About Travelers Insurance

Have more questions about Travelers Canada? We answer them here.

Who owns Travellers insurance?

Travelers Insurance Company of Canada, The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company (Canada Branch) are the Canadian licensed insurers known as Travelers Canada.

Travelers Canada is a part of The Travelers Companies.

Who is Dominion Insurance owned by?

In 2013, the Travelers Companies acquired The Dominion to become a part of the Travelers Canada group. The Dominion is the legal underwriting entity for personal auto insurance at Travelers Canada.

How do I file a claim to Travelers Canada?

If you were involved in a car accident or a tree fell on your house or something unexpected damaged your property, here’s how you can file an insurance claim with Travelers Canada:

  • Call the company at +1 (800) 661-5522 or your broker, and get the process started. Keep all information handy such as information of everyone involved in the accident, witness information, police report, accident scene photo, etc.
  • Your claims adjuster will call you to ensure the insurer has all the information and to understand the details of your claim.
  • Compete and return all relevant forms your adjuster asked you to fill in.
  • Travelers Canada will determine the cost of the repairs and the value of your car or property.
  • The insurance company will pay your settlement. In case of car accident, your Travelers specialist helps you arrange a rental car (if it's included in your coverage). For property damage, your (specialist) adjuster will work with you to gather the information to quantify your damages.
Shivani Kaul

Shivani Kaul is a communications professional specializing in editing, writing, and content strategy, with a particular focus on personal finance and mortgages. Her expertise stems from a strong educational background and diverse international experience.Academically, Shivani holds a Digital Marketing Management certificate from the University of Toronto, a Business Communications certificate from the University of British Columbia, a Master's degree in Mass Communication from Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communications, and a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of Delhi.

Her professional journey is marked by significant roles in prestigious media organizations across multiple countries. She has previously worked as an editor at PMNA/The Canadian Press for The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, and freelance writer for the Investor's Digest of Canada. Additionally, Shivani has contributed her skills to reputed news media groups in India and the Middle East. Her expertise in SEO ensures that the content she produces not only engages readers but also achieves optimal visibility in digital spaces.

  • Mortgage
  • Credit Cards
  • Real Estate
  • University of Toronto
  • Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communications
  • University of Delhi

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