
Cheap Airdrie Car Insurance Quotes

Airdrie drivers can save hundreds on average by comparing auto insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA.

Compare Airdrie car insurance quotes from top providers

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Image of Joel Kranc

Written By Joel Kranc

Contributing writer

Updated Aug. 30, 2024

Car insurance in Airdrie

Car insurance in Airdrie, and Alberta in general, has gone through some big changes. As of January 2022, the province is on a no-fault insurance system, enabling direct compensation for property damage (DCPD). This allows no-fault drivers to call their own insurance companies for repairs. 

Other changes for drivers included enabled innovative insurance options such as pay-per-kilometre and greater flexibility for providers in applying usage-based insurance (UBI).

Car insurance in the province is mandatory and the Automobile Insurance Rate Board (AIRB), which regulates insurance in the province, has established a maximum amount that can be charged for basic coverage. This is known as a grid system

When you become a licensed driver in Alberta, you start out at a grid rate of zero. At-fault accidents, where there is property damage or bodily injury, will result in your grid rate increasing by five. Every year you remain accident-free, your grade rate goes down by one. The longer you go without an accident, the lower your grid rating and the cheaper your Airdrie insurance will be.

The AIRB has statutory authority to approve, reject or require changes to Alberta automobile insurance companies’ premium rating filings.

There are many ways to get insurance quotes in Airdrie and knowing which way works best for you can make a huge difference in finding the cheapest and most useful policy possible.

Some of those ways include:

  • An insurance broker. Is an independent salesperson who partners with multiple companies to sell insurance. They can offer you different products and shop around for the cheapest rates.
  • An insurance agent. Is a person who works for an insurance company and sells the insurance products of this company. An important aspect of working with an agent is that they sell insurance products of one company only.
  • A direct writer. Is a person who works for one insurance company and only sells their product. It’s as if you are working directly with the insurance company.
  • A quote comparison website. Sites like RATESDOTCA provide quotes from top insurance companies across Canada, including Airdrie. By providing a few simple bits of information, you can get the cheapest quotes in seconds, and for free.

Recent auto insurance quotes in Airdrie

Recent Auto Insurance Quote from AIRDRIE, ALBERTA
Male, Age 50
2015 BMW X5 35i 4DR AWD
March 22, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 79 / month
$943 / year
Average Quote
$ 135 / month
$1,621 / year
$ 57 / month
$678 / year
41.83 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from AIRDRIE, ALBERTA
Male, Age 23
March 21, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 225 / month
$2,696 / year
Average Quote
$ 266 / month
$3,192 / year
$ 41 / month
$496 / year
15.54 %
Recent Auto Insurance Quote from AIRDRIE, ALBERTA
Female, Age 19
March 21, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 369 / month
$4,432 / year
Average Quote
$ 675 / month
$8,101 / year
$ 306 / month
$3,669 / year
45.29 %
Auto insurance quotes are compared from CAA, Coachman Insurance Company, Echelon Insurance, Economical Insurance, Gore Mutual, Pafco, Pembridge, SGI, Travelers, Zenith Insurance Company

How to get Airdrie car insurance quotes on RATESDOTCA

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Mandatory and optional auto insurance in Airdrie

Coverage Designation Description
Third-party liability Mandatory Coverage for when you're found responsible for an accident that causes injury or damage to someone else.
Accident benefits Mandatory Covers the cost of medical care for you and your passengers. Coverage extends to rehabilitation, funeral expenses, death benefits, and income replacement.
Direct compensation for property damage (DCPD) Mandatory Covers the cost of replacing your vehicle and pays for replacement transportation costs. You receive the benefit if you were not at fault for causing the accident. Partially at-fault drivers may still qualify for DCPD. Their benefit will be proportionate to the percentage of fault allocated to them. There’s no deductible for this coverage, however you can ask one in exchange for a slightly lower premium.
Collision Optional Will pay to repair or replace your car if it's involved in a collision with an object other than a car. Carries a deductible.
Comprehensive Optional Will cover damage to your car caused by something other than a collision. Insurable perils include falling objects, vandalism, theft, and fire. Carries a deductible.
Specified perils Optional Covers the same types of perils as comprehensive insurance. You must specify which ones you want coverage against. Carries a deductible.
Comprehensive Cover Limited Glass (SEF 13D) Endorsement Reduces the amount of coverage for glass damage in your policy. In return, you get a lower premium.
Loss of Use (SEF 20) Endorsement Compensation for transportation costs (taxis and public transportation), up to a pre-determined limit. You'll only get this benefit if your vehicle is damaged due to a loss covered by your policy.
Legal Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobiles (SEF 27) Endorsement Extends physical damage coverage (and deductible) to rental cars.
Accident Rating Waiver (SEF 39) Endorsement Prevents your premium from increasing after an at-fault accident.
Limited Waiver of Depreciation (SEF 43R) Endorsement This waives depreciation on the repair or replacement of a new vehicle. Only applicable if an insurable peril damages it.
Family Protection (SEF 44) Endorsement Protects you if you’re involved in a collision with an underinsured or uninsured driver. The Family Protection endorsement will bridge the gap if the costs exceed the other driver’s insurance benefit.

How much does car insurance cost in Airdrie?

Car insurance rates in Airdrie average $1,743 per year, which is 10.7% below the provincial average of $1,557 per year and one of the highest in the province, behind only Blackfalds, Tsuut’ina and Fitzgerald.

Cities like Calgary and Edmonton have surprisingly lower average insurance rates in 2023, sitting at $1,741 and $1,586 per year, respectively.

Overall, however, Alberta average insurance premiums are lower in 2023 than they were in the previous years, such as 2021. Airdrie, for example, had an annual rate of $2,000 that year, while Alberta as a whole had a rate of $1,991. These cheaper rates are likely due to the recent rate freeze, instituted by the AIRB. The other culprit is probably the fact that the rates had gone down during the pandemic due to fewer people driving, and thus, fewer accidents and claims. Combined with the rate freeze, the rates are cheaper than they’ve been in a long while in the province.

In fact, it’s the opposite of what’s happening in Ontario, where there is no rate freeze. The average annual premium there has gone up in 2023, to $1,744, and is now higher than Alberta’s average, which wasn’t the case in the previous years.

As for Airdrie’s high ranking within Alberta itself – part of the reason for this is that Airdrie is located on the Queen Elizabeth II Highway (Highway 2), which links Calgary and Edmonton, and is part of the Calgary metro area. This part of the province tends to be highly congested, with high claims histories and the possibility for thefts or vandalism.

How do Airdrie car insurance rates compare to nearby cities?

(how Airdrie compares to 6 other most expensive cities in Alberta)

Estimated annual premium in 2023 % difference compared to Airdrie



















Sturgeon County



Alberta’s average car insurance premium



Average insurance premium numbers are according to data from RATESDOTCA Insuramap (gathered in 2023).

Note: The rates above may not apply to you, as they are based on a specific profile. Be sure to learn more about our methodology.

Which companies offer car insurance quotes in Airdrie?

Company name Company type Phone number Address

Airdrie Family First Insurance

Insurance agency


101-132 1 Ave NW, Airdrie, AB T4B 3H4

Airdrie Insurance Centre

Insurance agency


128 Edmonton Trail SE, Airdrie, AB T4B 1S2

A-WIN Insurance Ltd.

Insurance agency


502-2903 Kingsview Blvd SE, Airdrie, AB T4A 0C4


Insurance broker


2-128 Edmonton Trail SE, Airdrie, AB T4B 1S2


Quotes comparison


100-360 Adelaide St W, Toronto, ON M5V 1R7

Kensington Insurance Services

Insurance broker


128 Edmonton Trail NE, Airdrie, AB T4B 1S1


Quotes comparison


401-1910 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4S 3B2

Parklane Insurance Brokers

Insurance broker


532 1 Ave NE #101, Airdrie, AB T4B 1S1


Quotes comparison


100-360 Adelaide St W, Toronto, ON M5V 1R7

Scoop Insurance

Insurance broker


22-300 Lincoln St, Welland, ON L3B 4N4

Factors that affect your Airdrie car insurance premiums

There are many factors that can affect your auto insurance rate in Airdrie. Here are some of the biggest ones:

  1. Your driving record. Airdrie insurance companies want to keep risk factors low. So long as your driving record is clean, unaffected by speeding tickets and accident- and claims-free, you will be eligible for the cheapest auto insurance rates in Airdrie.

    However, by not obeying Alberta’s Traffic Safety Act, you can receive demerit points that will raise your risk factor and ultimately your insurance rates.

  2. Your insurance history. Insurance providers in Airdrie look at past history to understand your future behaviour patterns. The fewer claims and infractions you have today, the better your rates can be, so long as you maintain that record.

    Younger drivers simply don’t have a history to rely on and will find themselves paying the highest insurance rates in Airdrie. So long as they maintain clean records, pay their premiums on time, keep claims low and are honest about the car they are insuring, they can expect their rates to gradually come down.

  3. Your coverage. There is such a thing as getting too much coverage. Consider the way in which you use your vehicle and how much insurance you actually need. If your car is less than three years old, it may make sense to have extra coverage to cover the expenses of owning and repairing a new car. Older cars may only need basic coverage, as it is not worth insuring them beyond their replacement value.

    Talk to your broker or agent about the amount of coverage you may need and the ways to find the cheapest rates to meet those needs.

  4. Your neighbourhood. Neighbourhoods can play an important role in your Airdrie insurance premiums. Insurance companies use forward sortation areas (FSAs) to determine boundaries. The first three letters of your postal code determine your FSA. High-crime areas or areas with high claims histories will naturally require you to pay more for insurance than safer neighbourhoods with fewer thefts and claims.

  5. Your commute. Driving more means more chances for infractions or accidents. Therefore, occasional drivers will pay less for their auto insurance than daily commuters who are in their cars often.

Tips on how to get cheap car insurance in Airdrie

To mitigate some of the factors listed above and avoid paying an unnecessarily high insurance rate in Airdrie, or anywhere else, consider doing the following:

  • Compare quotes. Comparison shopping on sites like RATESDOTCA is a great way to find the cheapest auto insurance in Airdrie and the rest of Alberta or Canada. You can pull quotes from over 50 top insurance providers in your area.
  • Increase your deductible. By agreeing to pay more upfront for vehicle damage or repairs, you are taking away some of the risk from your insurance provider. As a reward, they will lower your premiums.
  • Get the appropriate amount of coverage. Different drivers have different needs. If you are a daily commuter who is on the road often, you may need extra liability and collision insurance compared to someone who only drives occasionally. Check with your agent or broker to see if you have the right amount of insurance for your needs and are not overpaying for what you don’t need.
  • Drive less. It may seem obvious to say but less time on the road means fewer risks, which can be passed down in the form of savings to you.
  • Bundle home and auto insurance. If you get your home insurance from the same insurance company can get a bundling discount and reduce your annual insurance costs by up to 15%.
  • Try telematics. Telematics technology customizes insurance to your pattern of driving. It works by monitoring your real-time driving behaviours to provide an objective picture of your driving habits.

    The more you improve your habits and stay safe on the road, the lower your premiums can be.
  • Pay for the year upfront. Paying upfront helps your insurance provider save on administrative costs, which can be passed on to you as a thank you for your loyalty.
  • Apply for discounts. Being a member of some organizations like an alumni group or other associations can save you money. Ask your provider for details on their discount programs.
  • Avoid additional drivers. Adding drivers to your policy will increase risks and premiums. Sometimes it can help drivers who have no history and face very expensive premiums. However, each additional driver will add to your policy costs.

Frequently asked questions about car insurance in Airdrie

Need more information on Airdrie car insurance? We got you covered.

Which company has the cheapest car insurance in Airdrie?

Every driver has different circumstances. Some have clean histories and live in low-claim areas, and some have histories full of traffic infractions and accidents and live in high-claim areas. That’s why it’s good to comparison shop on RATESDOTCA to see who has the cheapest car insurance in Airdrie for your specific needs.

Can I get month-to-month car insurance in Airdrie?

There are no month-to-month car insurance policies in Airdrie. However, you can get a six-month policy on certain occasions. Note that cancelling or changing policies can be costly, so comparison shop first and see what policy works best for you.

There are also provisions for temporary car insurance for people getting new plates, for example, or if you’re borrowing a car for a short amount of time.

How do I get car insurance as a new driver in Airdrie?

There’s really no difference between new and long-time drivers. You’ll have to talk to an agent, broker or look online – to sites like RATESDOTCA. 

Agents and brokers have limitations in the kind of insurance companies they will show you. At RATESDOTCA, we’ll include agencies and multiple brokerages in our digital marketplace, making the playing field much more competitive.

In less than three minutes, you can find rates from over 50 insurance providers in your area, starting with the lowest rate available.

Is ridesharing insurance available in Airdrie?

Yes, ridesharing insurance is available in all of Alberta, including Airdrie. Companies like Uber, Lyft, Blacklane and Poparide operate in this city. Commercial insurance is available any time the driver logs into the app. When you’re not logged on, your personal insurance kicks in instead.

Shop around and save on Airdrie car insurance today

Shopping around for the best insurance rates is a great way to keep your transportation costs in check. That’s where we come in. RATESDOTCA lets you compare Airdrie auto insurance quotes from multiple insurance companies in a matter of minutes. If you’re ready to start comparing now, simply enter your postal code and we’ll get to work finding you the best possible price on your Airdrie auto insurance rates.

Joel Kranc ,

Joel Kranc is a freelance writer and content provider who has worked with RATESDOTCA since 2019. He holds an MA in political science from the University of Toronto and a film certificate from New York University.

He has been published in and worked for such companies as CNN, Rogers Media, Institutional Investor Magazine, The Globe and Mail, Infrastructure Investor, BenefitsPRO Magazine, Global Finance Magazine, With Intelligence, the CPP Investment Board, Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan, and many more financial services and industry publications.

He is the author of "Retirement Planning in 8 Easy Steps," which, when released in 2015, was No. 11 on the Publisher's Weekly US Bestseller List for Business and Finance, beating out Mark Cuban's "How to Win at the Sport of Business."

  • Master's of Political Science, University of Toronto
Featured in
  • Benefits Canada
  • Institutional Investor
  • Plan Sponsor Magazine
  • Global Finance Magazine
  • Infrastructure Investor
  • Private Equity Investor
  • The Globe and Mail
  • Fund Directions Newsletter
  • BenefitsPRO
  • HR Professional
  • Advisor's Edge
  • Institutional Investor
  • Employee Benefit Advisor
  • Investing in Infrastructure Magazine (i3)

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