
The Best Home Insurance in London

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Image of Joel Kranc

Written By Joel Kranc

Contributing writer

Updated Aug. 30, 2024

Home insurance in London

London, about two and a half hours southwest of Toronto, is the insurance capital of Canada and home to the prestigious University of Western Ontario, as well as many world-class healthcare facilities. London’s population has also been expanding at a rapid rate and grew 10% from 2016 to 2021. This has pushed the city population to about 500,000, expanding the need for housing, and of course, home insurance.

Home insurance in London, like in the rest of the province, is not mandated by law, but you may still be forced to buy it, as most mortgage providers require it.

Types of home insurance in London

There are four major home insurance types, which differ mainly by the amount of coverage they offer and by price. As you might expect, more coverage means higher costs – and vice versa.

  • Basic: Sometimes referred to as ‘named perils,’ this is the cheapest type of coverage you can purchase. However, it offers a very limited amount of protection. It protects your property and its contents only against the perils named in the policy. So, if theft, for example, is not listed, then your home is not protected from it.
  • Broad: This is a more comprehensive policy that protects things not necessarily named in your policy. For example, if theft is not listed, then the property is protected from it. Note that when it comes to your possessions, they are only protected from the perils named in the policy, same way as they would be under the basic coverage.
  • Comprehensive: Also known as ‘all perils,’ this is your most comprehensive coverage. It protects both your property and possessions from all perils, other than a few named exclusions. If, for instance, overland flooding is named as an exclusion, then you’re not covered for it. This is the most expensive type of home insurance you can purchase in London. Even so, you will not be covered for everything, and you should talk to your provider about what things are excluded so you can make an informed decision.
  • No-frills: This coverage has even fewer protections than the ‘basic’ policy and is meant for special cases only. If your home is old, for example, and extremely likely to suffer damage due to brittle pipes or poor structural integrity, then it may not qualify for regular insurance, such as basic, broad or comprehensive. No-frills coverage exists to provide protection for such homes. It should be a temporary measure, however, until you address all the issues that disqualify your home from proper coverage.

What gets covered

Regardless of whether you go with basic, broad or comprehensive coverage, it must cover these three things:

  • Property: This should include all the structures on your property, such as the home itself, garage and other buildings on the property. The covered perils will depend on your policy – whether it’s basic, broad or comprehensive. But not all structures are necessarily covered. Consult with your insurer to make sure they are to avoid issues later.
  • Contents: This entails your personal belongings, such as furniture, electronics, home decor, clothing and so on. Higher-end items like artwork, jewelry and collectibles may require policy add-ons to be fully protected. They are not necessarily part of the normal list of contents. Evaluate everything you own and consult your insurer to see if all your items are covered.
  • Additional living expenses: Should you become temporarily displaced due to an insurable peril, this will cover the cost of your living expenses. For example, if you’re forced to live in a hotel while your home is being reconstructed or renovated after an accident, your insurer may pay for your room, travel and groceries for the duration of your displacement (or up to a certain amount). Certain things like groceries or travel will be covered but only if they exceed your normal expense rates.

Liability coverage

Your liability coverage should encompass the following:

  • Personal liability: This will protect you if someone gets accidentally injured on your property. The coverage amount can range from $100,000 to $5,000,000, depending on how much you’re willing to pay in premiums.
  • Voluntary medical payments: If you unintentionally injure someone on your property, this will pay for the medical expenses for up to a year – from the date of the injury. Your coverage can be as low as $1,000 or as high as $10,000. Find out how voluntary medical payments differ from personal liability coverage.
  • Voluntary property damage: If you (or someone in your care under 12 years) cause unintentional loss or damage to someone’s property (such as your neighbour’s), then this will cover the costs. The coverage can be between $500 and $6,000. Find out what scenarios warrant voluntary property damage coverage.

Note that if any of the above are done intentionally (for instance, you intentionally hurt someone), then your liability coverage will become void.

Commonly covered perils

Commonly covered perils in London – whether you choose basic, broad or comprehensive coverage – will usually include these:

  • Fire: No matter what causes the fire, your insurance company will cover the costs of replacing, rebuilding or repairing your property and recovering your belongings.
  • Lightning: Should lightning strike your property, it could damage the wiring in your walls as well as break your appliances and electronics. This will pay for repairing or replacing whatever ends up damaged.
  • Theft and vandalism: If your home happens to get robbed, this will pay for the replacement of the stolen items. The same applies if the home gets vandalized. Again, it’s important to evaluate your possessions so you are properly covered for all contents.
  • Water damage: This pays for the damage to your property and belongings caused by water leakage from indoor plumbing, heating, air conditioning, sprinklers and similar appliances inside or outside your house. Certain things, however, are not covered. Most coverages usually exclude sewer back-up and overland flooding, so be sure to confirm what is and isn’t covered with your insurer.
  • Hail and wind: Should wind or hail damage your property or belongings in any way, this will pay for them. This includes damage from flying debris as well as falling trees and branches (if caused specifically by hail or wind).
  • Falling objects: This protects your property and belongings from falling objects, including space debris and space craft. There are exceptions, however, such as objects moved by landslides or snowslides. Confirm with your provider what is and isn’t covered.

Add-ons to home insurance coverage in London

You can increase your standard home insurance in London with additional coverage – commonly known as ‘add-ons,’ ‘riders’ or ‘endorsements.’ Here’s what usually gets sold in addition to the standard coverage (varies from insurer to insurer):

  • Overland flooding: If your home gets flooded due to overflowing water from a river, stream, lake, thawing snow or another body of water, this add-on will protect you. In the last few years, London has become very vulnerable to floods caused by melting snow, storms and rainwater – with the worst of it occurring in 2018 – so this coverage might be useful to have. Get more tips on flood insurance here.
  • Sewer back-up: This type of flooding occurs due to backed up sewage pipes, toilets, drains or showers. Such back-ups happen when too much rainwater or melted snow enters the sewer system at once.
  • Earthquake: This endorsement will protect your home and possessions from damage due to an earthquake, landslide, snowslide or volcanic eruption. Earthquakes are rare in London and Southern Ontario, as are the other three perils in this category, so it’s unlikely that you’ll need this endorsement.
  • Windstorm: A windstorm can wreck your home’s structure, possessions and windows and shower everything you own in debris. Depending on your insurer and policy, you may have this covered from the get-go, but it’s worth inquiring about the coverage just in case.
  • Mass evacuations: Should a major peril like flooding or wildfires lead to mass evacuations, this will cover your accommodations and food, while you’re away from home.
  • Valuable possessions: Most home insurance policies do not cover items that are of high value, like art or jewelry. Do an inventory of all your possessions and assign monetary value to them. Then talk to your provider to find out if you need extra coverage.

What is not covered by London home insurance

Home insurance in London is effective and necessary but will not cover all events. Certain perils are always excluded – usually because they are both predictable and preventable. Here’s what they are:

  • Mold: Since mold occurs slowly due to pre-existing conditions, such as extreme humidity, there is usually enough time for you to prevent it. Home insurance providers expect you to maintain your home and will not cover you for neglected home problems.
  • Pest infestations: Like mold, pest infestations, including mice, bedbugs, cockroaches and termites, are also a maintenance concern. So, if they cause any damage, it’s highly unlikely that your home insurance will cover it. That’s why, as soon as you notice an infestation, you should contact the appropriate service to help you resolve the issue (this service shouldn’t be your insurer).
  • Deliberate damage or injuries: If you deliberately damage your own property or its contents, your insurance company will not cover the costs. In fact, if you attempt to claim money for damaging your own property, you may be accused of insurance fraud, which is illegal. If you purposely hurt someone on your property, your insurance will not cover the associated liability costs either. Better to think twice before taking this kind of action.

How much insurance coverage do I need for my home in London?

Each person has different circumstances as well as physical homes that require different policy considerations. Given that London has had issues with severe weather and flooding, you might want to get more coverage in those areas. Your specific neighbourhood is also worth considering, since it may have higher crime rates, including more break-ins – or more instances of sewer back-up.

Other factors to consider include the size of your home, the cost of rebuilding it and the value of its contents. The higher the costs the higher the premiums. To learn more, you can consult either with your insurance agent or broker. Alternatively, you can compare quotes from 50+ home insurers right now, using RATESDOTCA. This will provide you with some actual numbers – numbers applicable to your specific needs and circumstances.

Recent home insurance quotes in London

Recent Home Insurance Quote from Toronto, ON
Semi-detached 1,169 sq ft
March 25, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 138 / month
$1,652 / year
Average Quote
$ 195 / month
$2,337 / year
$ 57 / month
$684 / year
29.00 %
Recent Home Insurance Quote from Oshawa, ON
Detached 1,994 sq ft
March 25, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 82 / month
$985 / year
Average Quote
$ 101 / month
$1,208 / year
$ 19 / month
$228 / year
18.00 %
Recent Home Insurance Quote from Etobicoke, ON
Detached 2,008 sq ft
March 25, 2025
Cheapest Quote
$ 137 / month
$1,648 / year
Average Quote
$ 190 / month
$2,284 / year
$ 53 / month
$636 / year
28.00 %
Home insurance quotes are compared from Apollo Insurance, CAA, Economical Insurance, Pembridge, Square One Insurance, and SGI

Factors that affect your London home insurance

Here are some of the biggest factors home insurers consider when calculating their premiums:

Home-related factors

  • Replacement cost: The cost of rebuilding your home from scratch can influence your premium. This includes factors such as the home’s age, square footage, number of floors and construction. The higher the replacement cost, the higher the premium.
  • Square footage: The larger your home, the more coverage you will likely need. That’s because bigger homes usually contain more items and require more materials to rebuild. So, when buying a home, take its size into account, if you want your insurance to be cheaper.
  • Piping: Older pipes, which tend to be either galvanized or made of lead, are more likely to leak or crack, which can cause water damage to your home. That higher risk will lead to higher premiums. If you end up purchasing an older home with outdated plumbing, consider switching to either copper or plastic pipes.
  • Electrical wiring: Aluminum or knob-and-tube electrical wiring poses a significant risk of fire damage. That’s why before insuring you, your provider may ask you for a guarantee that your home doesn’t include such wiring or inspect it to make sure the wiring is safe. Either way, your premium will be expensive as a result. Same applies if your home has fuses instead of breakers or an electrical service that’s below 100 amps, as they pose a higher risk of fire too.
  • Roof age: Older roofs can cause serious problems, especially leakage, which can lead to severe damage to the rest of your home. Because of this, insurers may cover no more than 25% of the roof’s replacement cost should an issue arise, in addition to charging you higher premiums.
  • Renovations: If your renovations happen to make your home more expensive to replace, then your premiums will go up. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to notify your insurer about this or not. Do note that if you choose not to notify your insurer, and something happens to your home, your payout may be lower than expected.
  • Location: Certain perils, such as relatively regular flooding and severe weather in parts of London, can cause your insurance premiums to go up. Higher crime rates, including theft and vandalism, can do the same. Crime rates are relatively low in London, but the population is growing, which could change the dynamics of the city.
  • Closeness to fire halls and hydrants: This is more of an issue for homes in rural areas than homes in larger cities like London. Even so, the farther your home is from a fire hall or fire hydrant, the more fire damage it is likely to suffer – as the fire would not be put out on time to prevent a good portion of the damage. The risk of this is what can lead to more expensive premiums.

Homeowner-related factors

  • Claim history: Aside from various risks, there’s also your claim history. The more claims you make, the higher the premium. That's why it’s best to think twice before making claim. Ask yourself if the damage is major or minor and if the cost of taking care of it yourself will help keep your rates low. For instance, if a small part of your basement gets flooded due to a minor pipe leak, then it’s probably better to fix it yourself. On the flipside, if your entire basement is ruined because of sewer back-up, then it’s time to make a claim.
  • Mortgage: The less mortgage you owe, the lower your premium will be. In fact, you may get a discount ranging from 10% to 20%. Check with your insurer to see if you’re eligible.

What's the average cost of home insurance in London?

According to the 2022 RATESDOTCA Home Insuramap data, the average cost for home insurance in London is $1,243 or about $103 per month.  This is lower than the Ontario annual average of $1,427 by 12.8%. London sits in about the middle of provincial cities in terms of its annual insurance costs.

The city has grown by 10% from 2016 to 2021. With it comes the increased potential for risks such as theft and vandalism. London has also seen more erratic weather and has experienced recent flooding, which, again, can alter the insurance risks and prices for homeowners in the area.

How do London home insurance premiums compare to the least and most expensive cities in Ontario?

Rank City Average 2022 premium Difference from London’s 2022 average










Hearst, Foleyet & South Porcupine



















How RATESDOTCA finds the best home insurance in London

RATESDOTCA works with home insurance providers in London to offer you the city’s best home insurance quotes. We quickly collect your information and use it to generate the top offers from each of our partners. Our service is fast, easy and free to use.

By comparing London home insurance quotes from several insurance providers in a single place, you can instantly assess the market and find the best policy to protect your London home.

Which companies offer home insurance quotes in London?

Company name Company type Phone number Address

All-Risks Insurance Brokers Ltd.

Insurance broker


201-920 Commissioners Rd E, London, ON N5Z 3J1

Billyard Insurance Group – Windsor

Insurance broker


3-1900 Hyde Park Rd, London, ON N6H 5L9

Excalibur Insurance Group

Insurance agency


240-339 Wellington Rd, London, ON N6C 5Z9


Quotes comparison


225 King St W, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON, M5V 3M2


Quotes comparison


401-1910 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4S 3B2

Ontario West Insurance Brokers

Insurance broker


208-1069 Wellington Rd, London, ON N6E 2H6


Quotes comparison


225 King St W, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON, M5V 3M2

RBC Insurance

Insurance agency


3089 Wonderland Rd S A, London, ON N6L 1R4

Scoop Insurance

Insurance broker


22-300 Lincoln St, Welland, ON L3B 4N4

Youngs Insurance Brokers

Insurance agency


2-924 Oxford St E, London, ON N5Y 3J9

How to get the cheapest home insurance in London

Getting cheap home insurance in London starts with comparing prices from sites like RATESDOTCA but there are other ways you can add to your savings. Talk to your provider about discounts or adjustments that can be made with a few alterations to your policy or its structure. Here are some examples of how you can do that: 

  • Comparison shop. You’ve come to the right place. Comparison shop London home insurance prices on RATESDOTCA and you will have instant access to the cheapest rates from the top providers in your area. It’s free, simple, and fast.
  • Bundle services. Insurance companies in London appreciate consumer loyalty. That’s why the more services you bundle from one provider, the more you can save on an entire policy package. Some providers will give you discounts in the neighbourhood of between 20% and 25%.
  • Update alarm systems. All insurance companies want to know their risks are reduced. One way you can show that is by updating your alarm system to a monitored system (or getting one in the first place, if you don’t already have one). This reduces the risks of theft and vandalism, which can help you save between 5% and 10% on your policy.
  • Increase deductibles. The more you are willing to pay out of pocket for damages to your home insurer, the less risky it is for them to insure you. That’s why agreeing to pay a higher deductible – money you will pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company pays you – can help save you money. Saving your insurance company money makes you a less risky client.
  • Upgrade your home. Both newer and older homes have areas where upgrading or renovation can help make the home a more efficient one. Upgrades can help you reduce the risk of flooding or fires, for example, and you will be ‘rewarded’ for your efforts. Renovating, however, can also add costs to your insurance if you are making expensive additions that require even more insurance.
  • Apply for discount. It never hurts to ask. Many London home insurance companies offer discounts to groups such as retirees or members of certain associations or alumni groups. Reviewing your policy annually is good practice and also a good time to ask your provider about discounts you are eligible for.
  • Get rewarded for your loyalty. Loyalty can bring rewards. The longer you stay with one company, the more rewards and discounts you can get. Stay claims-free, and the discounts can be even higher. Ask your provider about loyalty discounts.
  • Keep your credit score high. Home insurance companies in London will drop premiums for people with a good credit score. A lower score identifies you as a responsible customer who pays bills and is likely a minimal risk overall.

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What risks do homeowners face in London?

Residents of London are faced with a myriad of weather- and climate-related events. This can result in higher premiums. Also, the population has been growing at a fast pace, and with that, come certain risks facing bigger cities – crime, theft, vandalism and more.

With that said, here are some of the biggest risks London homeowners face:

  • Floods: Rain and flooding have become a problem for London residents. Last summer, a small township (practically a suburb of London) declared a state of emergency as a result of flooding. Flood alerts have also been issued in the area last year, increasing risks for London homeowners.
  • Snowfalls: Snowfalls are known to cause roof damage, particularly when snow accumulates over time. It can lead to water seepage as well as ice dams – ice build-up in the eaves, caused by melting snow. This year London saw a blizzard that has put significant pressure on its infrastructure and homes.
  • Freezing temperatures: Winter temperatures in London can sometimes get very low. This increases the potential for burst and frozen pipes.

Frequently asked questions about London home insurance

Got more questions about London home insurance? We got you covered.

How much does house insurance cost in London?

According to the 2022 RATESDOTCA Insuramap data, the average cost for home insurance in London is $1,243, or about $103 per month.

But that’s the average. Each homeowner has different circumstances that will affect their insurance rate. Compare prices on RATESDOTCA and talk to your financial provider about options that meet your needs.

Which company offers the cheapest London home insurance?

Looking for the cheapest home insurance provider in London? There’s no single company that offers the lowest standard rate for all homes in the city.

Each home insurance provider will assess your property risks in a different way, making it important for you to compare multiple providers in order to find the best deal.

How do I save on London home insurance?

Although London home insurance premiums may be higher than those in most Ontario cities, you can still save money on your home insurance premiums in a variety of ways.

  • Bundle auto and home: An auto and home insurance bundle can help you save 10-15% on both home and auto insurance. Ask your provider for more information on multi-line discounts.
  • Update your content coverage: Check if your content coverage is unnecessarily high. If your home does not contain goods equal to the total value covered under your policy, you can change your content coverage and instantly reduce your premium.
  • Take advantage of a no claims discount: Never filed a claim before? Ask your insurer for a claims free discount. If you have filed minor claims in the past, you may also be eligible for a claims forgiveness discount. Ask your home insurance provider for more information.
  • Upgrading your home: Does your home have old lead pipes instead of copper or plastic pipes? Is your roof leaking? Upgrading old and damaged areas will lower the probability you’ll have to file a claim. This will not only make your home safer, it will also lower your home insurance premium.
  • Retirees: Some home insurance providers in London offer special discounts for retirees. If you’ve retired, make sure you ask your home insurer if such a discount is available to you.
  • Increase your deductible: You can choose a higher deductible to instantly lower your home insurance premium. Ask yourself how much money you can afford to spend on sudden damages? This amount will help you decide on the ideal deductible.
  • Increase your home security: Installing a smart security system will help secure your home and lower your home insurance premium. Some examples include smart doorbell cameras and fire and burglar alarms that alert the authorities when the potential for damage or theft arises.
  • Install a backwater valve: Overland water is a common issue for London homeowners and results in thousands of claims every year. By installing a backwater valve, you can prevent sewage from flowing into your basement during a flood or seasonal snow thaw. This will reduce your water damage risk, along with your insurance premium.

Do high London real estate prices affect the cost of home insurance?

The short answer is no. London home insurance providers do not consider real estate prices in the area. Insurance companies are more concerned with the risks faced by homeowners and the replacement value of the homes themselves.

How do London home insurance claims work?

Insurers providers pool all the premiums of their clients and use them to pay for the damages and costs associated with your claim. However, before the insurer covers those costs, you'll have to pay a deductible – a pre-arranged amount that comes out of your pocket. Most home insurance deductibles range from $500 to $2,000 and are decided when you sign off on your contract with the insurance company. So, when making your claim, remember that the first part of your policy obliges you to pay for some of the damages.

Here's how to start a claim:

  • Call your insurer immediately (or as soon as possible) after the incident. Most providers have a 24-hour claims service.
  • Deliver as much information to your insurer as you can and be detailed. Photos help, so be sure to produce some, and if possible, keep receipts of your items to prove their value, or at the very least, how much you paid initially.
  • If your home is uninhabitable, talk to your provider about the expenses you may be eligible for and how long the eligibility will last. For this to work, keep all your receipts and invoices generated during your time away. Different insurance providers will offer different benefits regarding temporary accommodation, commuting costs and so on. So, speak with your provider to see what is available to you.
  • A claims adjuster will contact you to gather all the facts regarding your loss and let you know the next steps.
  • Your provider will ask you to complete a proof of loss form. Be as truthful as possible; otherwise, your claim may become void.

When you buy insurance, make sure you know what it covers. This will reduce the number of curveballs thrown your way when a real-life setback happens. Your settlement amount is contingent on your policy's limits.

Is fire covered under my London home insurance policy?

Fire is a peril that is generally covered under standard home insurance policies by all providers. You can also increase your coverage if you have high-value items in your home, such as jewelry or fine art.

How can I get vacant home insurance in London?

Two potential routes to purchase vacant home insurance in London include:

  • Buying a new policy
  • Adding an endorsement (optional coverage) to an existing policy, thereby increasing your current coverage

If your property is vacant for a long period of time, about a year or more, it might be wise to opt for the new policy route.

However, an endorsement added to an existing policy may be enough for your vacant property if the property is empty for a short time.

If you're away from home for 30 days and change, your home will be considered unoccupied, not vacant. Give your insurance provider or broker a heads-up before you leave; they may be able to extend your coverage to match your timetable. In return, they may also request that someone you trust checks in on the property while you're away.

Find the cheapest home insurance in London

At RATESDOTCA, we know how owning a home is a big investment, which is why it’s important to safeguard your property and its contents. Why not find the best home insurance policy and also save money? On RATESDOTCA, you can see the best home insurance quotes from more than 30 home insurance providers within minutes. And best of all, it’s easy and free! Find the cheapest home insurance in London today.

*Shoppers in Ontario who obtained a home insurance quote on RATESDOTCA from January to December 2023 saved an average amount of $360. The average savings amount represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third lowest quoted premiums generated by RATESDOTCA. Excludes tenant and condo insurance.

Joel Kranc ,

Joel Kranc is a freelance writer and content provider who has worked with RATESDOTCA since 2019. He holds an MA in political science from the University of Toronto and a film certificate from New York University.

He has been published in and worked for such companies as CNN, Rogers Media, Institutional Investor Magazine, The Globe and Mail, Infrastructure Investor, BenefitsPRO Magazine, Global Finance Magazine, With Intelligence, the CPP Investment Board, Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan, and many more financial services and industry publications.

He is the author of "Retirement Planning in 8 Easy Steps," which, when released in 2015, was No. 11 on the Publisher's Weekly US Bestseller List for Business and Finance, beating out Mark Cuban's "How to Win at the Sport of Business."

  • Master's of Political Science, University of Toronto
Featured in
  • Benefits Canada
  • Institutional Investor
  • Plan Sponsor Magazine
  • Global Finance Magazine
  • Infrastructure Investor
  • Private Equity Investor
  • The Globe and Mail
  • Fund Directions Newsletter
  • BenefitsPRO
  • HR Professional
  • Advisor's Edge
  • Institutional Investor
  • Employee Benefit Advisor
  • Investing in Infrastructure Magazine (i3)

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