The six picks are in for RATESDOTCA's Get Out Of My House giveaway! These young adults have been selected from across Canada for being the most deserving of our grand prize - $5,397.50 in funds and resources to help them move out of their parents' home! (Can you say best Mother's Day present EVER?!)
You can vote for your favourite every day at (not to mention win 1 of 3 fantastic prizes). So go on - give em' the boot! And don't forget to spread the word on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #RSMgetout!
Ariel Chiu

Location: Vancouver, BC Ariel juggles her heavy school workload with adult ambitions - but tuition, combined with sky-high housing prices in her city mean this undergrad is living with her parents for now - and she's looking to give them a break! "Between work and school, it's hard to make it home in time for dinner. That's why I take a lot of food to my room and my poor mother always removes the dishes and washes them for me every day! She definitely deserves a break from doing my chores, so moving out would be the ultimate Mother's Day gift I could give her." Learn more about Ariel at, and vote today!