If you properly budget, credit cards can not only be a way to spend...but a way to save. How? We're talking cash back credit card rewards. Cash not only makes it easier to determine your ROI (because we all know the value of $1)...BUT you can spend your rewards on whatever YOU want….in other words no more rewards catalogue.
How much savings are we talking here? The average Canadian household can save $562 in the first year by using a cash back credit card for their purchases. Over 5 years, that savings builds to $2,382. Want to see how much you can save? Find out how using our infographic...

TIP: Want more information on the cash back credit card used to calculate the savings in the infographic? The MBNA Smart Cash MasterCard, Scotiabank Momentum Visa Infinite card and SimplyCash Card from American Express are some of the best cash back reward cards we've found.