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The 10 most stolen vehicles in Canada for 2024

Nov. 19, 2024
4 mins
Two hands grip the steering wheel of a car

This article has been updated from a previous version.

Équité Association just released its top 10 stolen vehicles list covering 2023. The list reveals the vulnerabilities of newer vehicles, particularly those with keyless ignitions, to theft, which continues to be a significant issue across Canada.

In addition to naming the specific models of oft-targeted vehicles, the association also listed the number of those vehicles insured across Canada, the number of thefts for each vehicle model year, as well as their theft rate.

From 2021 to 2023, auto theft went up dramatically: 48.2% in Ontario, 57.9% in Quebec, 34% in Atlantic Canada, and 5.5% in Alberta, according to Équité. In response to this rise, Public Safety Canada launched a National Action Plan to fight auto theft in May 2024.

While efforts from governments and police have led to a drop in auto theft in 2024, the association states “continued commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders is required to maintain this momentum.”

The rising theft rates have also impacted insurance costs. RATESDOTCA found that the cost of comprehensive insurance for the most stolen vehicles is up to 60% higher for 2024 models compared to 2018 models, for example.

Increased claims of theft have even led some insurers to impose a $300 to $500 surcharge on high-risk models upon renewal, only removed upon installation of an anti-theft device such as the Tag tracking system or a steering wheel lock.

Changes in most stolen vehicles this year

In comparison to last year's list, Équité reported a shift in the top spot: after two consecutive years, the Toyota Highlander has overtaken the Honda CR-V as the Canada’s most stolen vehicle.

The Toyota Highlander is a popular model in Canada, known for its global serviceability and high resale value both locally and internationally, the association notes. Criminals often target such vehicles to maximize profits from illegal sales.

This model, like many others on the national list, includes 2019 or newer vehicles that have keyless ignition systems. These systems are particularly vulnerable because they lack anti-theft devices that meet the ULC 338 Anti-theft Standards.

The list also reveals a trend: SUVs have been popular with both drivers and thieves over the past few years, continuing to dominate, with seven spots on the top 10 most stolen vehicles list.

Here’s Canada’s top 10 most stolen vehicles:

Top 10 most stolen vehicles in Canada for 2024

No. Make/Model Most Often Stolen Model Year # of Vehicles Insured # of Thefts Theft Rate/Frequency (%) Type
1 Toyota Highlander 2021 123,532 3,414 2.76% SUV
2 Dodge Ram 1500 Series 2022 524,837 3,078 0.59% Truck
3 Lexus RX series 2022 96,400 3,037 3.15% SUV
4 Honda CR-V 2021 487,962 2,988 0.61% SUV
5 Toyota RAV4 2021 507,451 2,690 0.53% SUV
6 Honda Civic 2019 697,143 1,654 0.24% Car
7 Jeep Wrangler 2021 141,379 1,641 1.16% SUV
8 Land Rover Range Rover Series 2020 34,615 1,533 4.43% SUV
9 Chevrolet/GMC Suburban/Yukon/ Tahoe Series 2023 62,877 1,488 2.37% SUV
10 Chevrolet/GMC Silverado/Sierra 1500 Series 2006 595,765 1,383 0.23% Truck

Just like previous years, Équité also noticed regional insights, showing which vehicles thieves are more likely to target by province.

In Ontario, criminals tend to seek these vehicles:

Top 10 most stolen vehicles in Ontario

No. Make/Model Most Often Stolen Model Year # of Vehicles Insured # of Thefts Theft Rate/Frequency (%) Type
1 Lexus RX Series 2022 58,964 2,852 4.48% SUV
2 Toyota Highlander 2022 63,623 2,838 4.46% SUV
3 Dodge Ram 1500 Series 2022 200,956 1,977 0.98% Truck
4 Honda CR-V 2020 236,391 1,488 0.63% SUV
5 Land Rover Range Rover Series 2020 20,621 1,411 6.84% SUV
6 Chevrolet/GMC Suburban/Yukon/ Tahoe Series 2023 25,210 1,136 4.51% SUV
7 Jeep Wrangler 2023 67,078 1,106 1.65% SUV
8 Toyota RAV4 2021 224,553 999 0.45% SUV
9 Honda Civic 2019 319,347 734 0.23% Car
10 Ford F150 Series 2022 214,387 557 0.26% Truck

Often, thieves target Lexus and high-end Toyota models for export by organized crime groups, while others have been identified in street racing rings.

In Alberta, auto thieves target these 10 vehicles the most:

Top 10 most stolen vehicles in Alberta

No. Make/Model Most Often Stolen Model Year # of Vehicles Insured # of Thefts Theft Rate/Frequency (%) Type
1 Chevrolet/GMC Silverado/Sierra 2500 Series 2007 37,374 353 0.95% Truck
2 Chevrolet/GMC Silverado/Sierra 1500 Series 2006 97,480 350 0.36% Truck
3 Dodge Ram 1500 Series 2022 94,169 346 0.37% Truck
4 Ford F350 Series 2006 22,390 270 1.21% Truck
5 Ford F150 Series 2018 106,280 248 0.23% Truck
6 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2021 33,186 114 0.34% SUV
7 Ford/Lincoln/Mercury Escape/Corsair/MKC/Mariner Series 2017 65,889 106 0.16% SUV
8 Honda Civic 2017 50,205 105 0.21% Car
9 Ford F250 Series 2000 6,940 103 1.48% Truck
10 Dodge Ram 2500 Series 2001 20,195 98 0.49% Truck
10 Lexus RX Series 2021 19,465 98 0.50% SUV

In Alberta, pickup trucks are the most sought after by crooks, with the Ford F-Series being the among the most popular for several years in a row

How to protect your vehicle from theft

According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, a vehicle is stolen every six minutes in Canada.

Consider these tips to avoid falling victim to auto theft:

  • Don’t leave your keyless entry fob in your vehicle or near the front entrance to your house unprotected. Faraday boxes or bags can block the key fob’s signal from being relayed to thieves.
  • Install an electronic vehicle immobilizer to prevent thieves from hot-wiring your car, truck, or SUV.
  • Install a tracking device that emits a signal to police, enabling them to locate your vehicle.
  • Don’t be an easy target for auto theft. Park your vehicle in a well-lit area or garage and ensure all the windows are closed and the doors are locked.
  • Have a visible or audible device that tells thieves your vehicle is protected, and never leave your car running when unattended.
  • Get a steering wheel or brake pedal lock. For more tips refer to our guide here.

If you are concerned about the cost of your car insurance — whether it’s for your existing vehicle or a prospective one — take a few minutes to compare auto insurance quotes from several insurance providers. It could save you money on your annual premium.

Read next: You’ve been a victim of vehicle theft, now what?

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Aya Al-Hakim

Aya Al-Hakim is a writer/editor with RATESDOTCA. Previously, she worked as an online journalist, reporting on a wide range of topics including business, politics, and health. Her work has been featured in Global News, CBC, Yahoo Lifestyle Canada and Canadian Business.

  • Car Insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Mortgage
  • Bachelor of Journalism (Honours)--University of King's College, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Featured in
  • Global News
  • CBC/Radio-Canada
  • Yahoo Lifestyle Canada
  • Canadian Business

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