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Steve Garganis

Steve Garganis ,
Lead mortgage planner at Mortgage Architects

Steve Garganis is a licensed mortgage broker, leader mortgage planner at Mortgage Architects and founder and editor of

He began working for Central Guaranty Trust in 1989 during the great real estate recession. For 15 years, he worked on the banker's side of the desk, holding senior management positions in lending, banking, investments and insurance.

In 2004, he decided to focus on his passion for mortgages became a mortgage broker.

In 2009, after noticing a lack of accurate, fact-checked and helpful mortgage content available online at the time, he founded, where he now shares useful facts, opinions and recommendations for the owners, buyers, and sellers.

  • Mortgage
Featured in
  • The Globe and Mail
  • The Toronto Star
  • Global News
  • The Vancouver Sun
  • The Star Phoenix
Articles By Steve Garganis