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Jan. 7, 2014
1 mins
A man looks over a woman's shoulder as she calculates the monthly expenses

Where do you turn for money management guidance?

Whether it's cutting coupons or trying out a new investing strategy, Canadians prove to be a knowledge-hungry bunch. We're always looking to improve our personal finance game!

Fortunately for us, Canada is incredibly rich in finance resources - and the information landscape is always changing. Now, Canadians can read the latest savings strategy best seller, download their economic news via podcast, and check on their stocks with the latest apps.

What are the best finance resources for Canadians? We want to hear from you! Take our poll below to vote for your favourites!

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Penelope Graham

A first-time homeowner and newbie investor, Penelope Graham is the quintessential millennial, navigating the world of personal finance and wealth management. A self-professed monetary policy nerd, she follows the often-controversial housing market closely and specializes in mortgage, credit card and personal finance news.

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