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Ontario Announces Approval of Electronic Pink Slips for Proof of Auto Insurance

Sept. 5, 2019
3 mins
A young woman sends a message on her phone

Starting today, Ontario drivers are allowed to carry electronic proof of auto insurance on their mobile devices. This announcement comes a month after Alberta made the decision to allow the consumer convenience.

This doesn’t mean the “pink card” is obsolete. Driver’s can access their proof of insurance whichever way they prefer.

"Our Government has committed to making life easier for Ontario people," said Finance Minister Rod Phillips. "That is why this government is making auto insurance more convenient by giving drivers the option of showing their proof of auto insurance electronically, so that drivers can access their insurance card in the way that best suits their needs."

The government will work with the Financial Services Authority of Ontario (FSRA) — replacing the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) — to modernize auto insurance in the province and to provide an innovative consumer experience.

"Ontario's auto insurers welcome the government's decision to allow electronic proof of insurance for Ontario drivers. In all other sectors that consumers interact with - from banking to retail to cell phone providers — consumers are offered a choice and we are pleased to now be able to offer consumers that same choice. This marks another step is making insurance easier for Ontarians and we look forward to working with this government to bring more choice and innovation to the market, " said the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Keep in mind, consumers maintain rights and responsibilities. Drivers are required by law to have proof of insurance in the vehicle at all times and to provide proof to police officers when asked. Drivers must ensure they can do this regardless of potential issues with their mobile device. Phone damage, drained batteries and poor cellular service won’t be excused.

As for insurance providers, a mandatory lock screen capability protecting driver’s private information, while viewing the digital card, must be included.

Meanwhile, drivers are reminded to shop regularly for the best possible insurance premium. Use to shop for the lowest car insurance rates from over 30 insurance providers.


The RATESDOTCA editorial team are experienced writers focused on sharing stories and bringing you the latest news in insurance and personal finance. Our goal is to provide Canadians with the information and resources they need to make better insurance and financial decisions.

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